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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

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504 pp.
116 illustrations, 191 mm x 251 mm


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Imprint: OUP US

Patterns of World History, Volume One: To 1600

Fourth Edition

Peter von Sivers, Charles A. Desnoyers and George B. Stow

Presented in two volumes for maximum flexibility, Patterns of World History, Brief Fourth Edition, offers a distinct framework for understanding the global past through the study of origins, interactions, and adaptations. The authors examine the full range of human ingenuity over time and space in a comprehensive, evenhanded, and critical fashion. They offer a distinct intellectual framework for the role of innovation and historical change through patterns of origins, interactions, and adaptations. The Brief Edition offers a streamlined narrative and the lowest price points of any full-color world history textbook currently available.

Visit www.oup.com/he/vonsivers4e for a wealth of digital resources for students and instructors, including an enhanced e-book with embedded learning tools and the Oxford Insight Study Guide, which delivers custom-built adaptive practice sessions based on students' performance.

Readership : Undergraduate tudents enrolled in World History courses.


  • "Patterns of World History is a solid textbook that utilizes patterns of civilization instead of a massive scatter shot of information, which helps students to learn concepts instead of extraneous detailed information."
    --Joshua Shriver, Auburn University

  • "Patterns of World History is truly a global history. Its overall organization combines both thematic and regional elements flexibly, allowing some chapters to cover broad swaths of cultures in comparison while other chapters delve deeply into only one or two. Each chapter includes multiple supports to student learning, including broad comparative questions, maps, timelines, bold vocabulary terms with definitions in the margins, and a mix of textual and visual primary sources."
    --Lore Kuehnert, Hagerstown Community College

1. The African Origins of Humanity, Prehistory-10,000 BCE
The Origins of Humanity
Hominins: No Longer Chimpanzees, but Not Yet Human
Human Adaptations: From Africa to Eurasia and Australia
The African Origins of Human Culture
Migration from South Asia to Australia
Migration from Asia to Europe
The Ice Age Crisis and Human Migration to the Americas
The Ice Age
Putting It All Together
2. Agrarian-Urban Centers of the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean, 11,500-600 BCE
Agrarian Origins in the Fertile Crescent, ca. 11,500-1500 BCE
Sedentary Foragers and Foraging Farmers
The Origin of Urban Centers in Mesopotamia and Egypt
Interactions among Multiethnic and Multireligious Empires, ca. 1500-600 BCE
The Hittite and Assyrian Empires, 1600-600 BCE
Small Kingdoms on the Imperial Margins, 1600-600 BCE
Religious Experience and Cultural Achievements
Putting It All Together
3. Shifting Agrarian Centers in India, 3000-600 BCE
The Vanished Origins of Harappa, 3000-1500 BCE

The Region and People
Adapting to Urban Life in the Indus Valley
The Collapse of the Cities
Interactions in Northern India, 1500-600 BCE
The Vedic World, 1750-800 BCE
Statecraft and the Ideology of Power, 800-600 BCE
Indian Society, Culture, and Religion, 1500-600 BCE
Society and Family in Ancient India
Cultural Interactions to 600 BCE
Putting It All Together
4. Agrarian Centers and the Mandate of Heaven in Ancient China, 5000-481 BCE
Origins of Yellow River Cultures, 5000-1766 BCE
Geography and Climate
The Origins of Neolithic Cultures
The Age of Myth and the Xia Dynasty, 2852-1766 BCE
The Interactions of Shang and Zhou History and Politics, 1766-481 BCE
The Shang Dynasty, 1766-1122 BCE
The Mandate of Heaven: The Zhou Dynasty to 481 BCE
Economy, Society, and Family Adaptation in Ancient China
Shang Society
Interactions of Zhou Economy and Society
Gender and the Family
Interactions of Religion, Culture, and Intellectual Life in Ancient China
Oracle Bones and Early Chinese Writing
Adaptations of Zhou Religion, Technology, and Culture
Putting It All Together
5. Origins Apart: The Americas and Oceania, 16,000-600 BCE
The Americas: Hunters and Foragers, 16,000-600 BCE
The Environment
Human Migrations
Agriculture, Villages, and Urban Life
The Neolithic Revolution in the New World
The Origins of Urban Life
The First Mesoamerican Settlements
The Origins of Pacific Island Migrations
Lapita and Cultural Origins
Creating Polynesia
Putting It All Together
6. Chiefdoms and Early States in Africa and the Americas, 600 BCE-600 CE
Agriculture and Early African Kingdoms

Saharan Villages, Towns, and Kingdoms
The Kingdom of Aksum
The Spread of Villages in Sub-Saharan Africa
West African Savanna and Rain-Forest Agriculture
The Spread of Village Life to East and South Africa
Patterns of African History, 600 BCE-600 CE
Early States in Mesoamerica: Maya Kingdoms and Teotihuacan
The Maya Kingdoms in Southern Mesoamerica
The Kingdom of Teotihuacan in the Mexican Basin
The Andes: Moche and Nazca
The Moche in Northern Peru
Paracas and the Nazca in Southern Peru
Putting It All Together
7. Interaction and Adaptation in Western Eurasia: Persia, Greece, and Rome, 550 BCE-600 CE
Interactions between Persia and Greece

The Origins of the Achaemenid Persian Empire
Greek City-States in the Persian Shadow
Alexander's Empire and Its Successor Kingdoms
Interactions between the Persian and Roman Empires
Parthian Persia and Rome
The Sasanid Persian and Late Roman Empires
Adaptations to Monotheism and Monism in the Middle East
Challenge to Polytheism: The Origins of Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Greek Philosophy
Toward Religious Communities and Philosophical Schools
The Beginnings of Science and the Cultures of Kings and Citizens
The Sciences at the Library of Alexandria
Royal Persian Culture and Arts
Greek and Roman Civic Culture and Arts
Putting It All Together
8. Empires and Visionaries in India, 600 BCE-600 CE
Patterns of State Formation in India: Republics, Kingdoms, and Empires

The Road to Empire: The Mauryas
The Classical Age: The Gupta Empire
The Southern Kingdoms, ca. 300-600 CE
The Vedic Tradition and Its Visionary Reformers
Reforming the Vedic Tradition
The Maturity of Hinduism: From the Abstract to the Devotional
Stability amid Disorder: Economy, Family, and Society
Tax and Spend: Economy and Society
Caste, Family Life, and Gender
Strength in Numbers: Art, Literature, and Science
Putting It All Together

9. China: Imperial Unification and Perfecting the Moral Order, 722 BCE-618 CE
Visionaries and Empire
Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism
The Qin Dynasty
The Han Dynasty
The Domestic Economy: Society, Family, and Gender
Industry and Commerce
Gender Roles
Intellectual Trends, Aesthetics, Science, and Technology
Confucianism, Education, and History during the Han
Buddhism in China
Intellectual Life
Putting It All Together
10. Islamic Civilization and Byzantium, 600-1300 CE
The Formation of Islamic Religious Civilization

The Beginnings of Islam
Islamic Theology, Law, and Politics
Eastern Christian Civilization in Byzantium
Byzantium's Difficult Beginnings
The Seljuk Invasion and the Crusades
Islamic and Eastern Christian Civilizations at Their Height
State and Society in Mamluk Egypt
Byzantine Provincial and Central Organization
Commercial Relations from the Atlantic to the South China Sea
Religion, Sciences, and the Arts in Two Religious Civilizations
Islamic Culture: Intellectual and Scientific Expressions
Artistic Expressions in Islamic Civilization
Learning and the Arts in Byzantium
Putting It All Together
11. Innovation and Adaptation in the Western Christian World, 600-1450 CE
The Formation of Christian Europe, 600-1000

Frankish Gaul and Latin Christianity
Recovery, Reform, and Innovation, 1000-1300
The Political Recovery of Europe
The Economic and Social Recovery of Europe
Religious Reform and Expansion
Intellectual and Cultural Developments
Crisis and Creativity, 1300-1415
The Calamitous Fourteenth Century
Signs of a New Era in the Fifteenth Century
Putting It All Together
12. Sultanates, Tang to Ming, and The Mongol Superpower, 600-1600 CE
India: The Clash of Cultures
Buddhist and Hindu India after the Guptas
Islam in India, 711-1398
Toward the Mughal Era, 1398-1450
Interactions and Adaptations: From Buddhism to Neo-Confucian Synthesis in China
Creating a Religious Civilization under the Tang
The Song and Yuan Dynasties, 960-1368
The Ming to 1450: The Quest for Stability
Society, Family, and Gender
Perceptions of Perfection: Intellectual, Scientific, and Cultural Life
Putting It All Together
13. Religious Civilizations Interacting: Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, 550-1500 CE
Korea to 1450: Innovation from Above

People and Place: The Korean Environment
Conquest and Competition: History and Politics to 1450
Economy, Society, and Family
Religion, Culture, and Intellectual Life
Japan to 1450: Selective Interaction and Adaptation
The Island Refuge
Adaptation at Arm's Length: History and Politics
Economy, Society, and Family
Religion, Culture, and Intellectual Life
Vietnam: Human Agency and State Building
The Setting and Neolithic Cultures
Economy, Society, and Family
Religion, Culture, and Intellectual Life
Putting It All Together
14. Patterns of State Formation in Africa, 600-1450 CE
Christians and Muslims in the Northeast

Nubia in the Middle Nile Valley
Ethiopia in the Eastern Highlands
Adaptation to Islam: City-States and Kingdoms in East and Southern Africa
The Swahili City-States on the East African Coast
Traditional Kingdoms in Southern and Central Africa
Central African Chiefdoms and Kingdoms
Cultural Encounters: West African Traditions and Islam
The Kingdom of Ancient Ghana
The Empire of Mali
Rain-Forest Kingdoms
Putting It All Together
15. The Rise of Empires in the Americas, 600-1550 CE
The Legacy of Teotihuacan and the Toltecs in Mesoamerica

Militarism in the Mexican Basin
Late Maya States in Yucatan
The Legacy of Tiwanaku and Wari in the Andes
The Expanding State of Tiwanaku
The Expanding City-State of Wari
American Empires: Aztec and Inca Origins and Dominance
The Aztec Empire of Mesoamerica
The Inca Empire of the Andes
Imperial Society and Culture
Imperial Capitals: Tenochtitlan and Cuzco
Power and Its Cultural Expressions
Putting It All Together
16. The Western European Overseas Expansion and the Ottoman-Habsburg Struggle, 1450-1650

The Muslim-Christian Competition in the East and West, 1450-1600
Iberian Christian Expansion, 1415-1498
Rise of the Ottomans and Struggle with the Habsburgs for Dominance, 1300-1609
The Centralizing State: Origins and Interactions
State Transformation, Money, and Firearms
Imperial Courts, Urban Festivities, and the Arts
The Ottoman Empire: Palaces, Festivities, and the Arts
The Spanish Habsburg Empire: Popular Festivities and the Arts
Putting It All Together
17. The Renaissance, New Sciences, and Religious Wars in Europe, 1450-1750
Cultural Transformations: Renaissance, Baroque, and
New Sciences
The Renaissance and Baroque Arts
The New Sciences
The New Sciences and Their Social Impact
The New Sciences: Philosophical Interpretations
Centralizing States and Religious Upheavals
The Rise of Centralized Kingdoms
The Protestant Reformation, State Churches, and Independent Congregations
Religious Wars and Political Restoration
Putting It All Together
18. New Patterns in New Worlds: Colonialism and Indigenous Responses in the Americas, 1500-1800
The Colonial Americas: Europe's Warm-Weather Extension

The Conquest of Mexico and Peru
The Establishment of Colonial Institutions
The Making of American Societies: Origins and Transformations
Exploitation of Mineral and Tropical Resources
Social Strata, Castes, and Ethnic Groups
The Adaptation of the Americas to European Culture
Putting It All Together

Enhanced e-book
Oxford Learning Link Direct
Test-Item File
PowerPoint Slides
Primary Sources

Peter von Sivers is Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Utah.

Charles A. Desnoyers is Professor of History at La Salle University.

George B. Stow is Professor of History and Director of the Graduate Program in History at La Salle University.

Writing History - William Kelleher Storey and Towser Jones
Patterns of Modern Chinese History - Charles A. Desnoyers
Patterns of East Asian History - Charles A. Desnoyers

Special Features

  • Offers a distinct intellectual framework for the role of innovation and historical change through patterns of origins, interactions, and adaptations.
  • The patterns approach helps students gain a deeper appreciation of the unfolding of global history from its origins in small, isolated areas to the vast networks of global interconnectedness in our present world.
  • The patterns approach also provides a framework for seeing differences or commonalities among cultures that other approaches to world history tend to obscure.
  • The text includes carefully calibrated learning features, including:
  • a) "Seeing Patterns" and "Thinking Through Patterns" that use a question-discussion format in each chapter to pose several broad questions ("Seeing Patterns") as advance organizers for key themes, which are then matched up with short essays at the end ("Thinking Through Patterns") which examine these same questions in a sophisticated yet student-friendly fashion
  • b) "Patterns Up Close" essays in each chapter highlight a particular innovation that demonstrates origins, interactions, and adaptations in action. Spanning technological, social, political, intellectual, economic, and environmental developments, the "Patterns Up Close" essays combine text, visuals, and graphics to consider everything from the pepper trade to cartography.
  • c) "Against the Grain": These brief essays consider counterpoints to the main patterns examined in each chapter. Topics range from visionaries who challenged dominant religious patterns, to women who resisted various forms of patriarchy, to agitators who fought for social and economic justice.
  • d) "Marginal Glossary": To avoid the necessity of having to flip pages back and forth, definitions of key terms are set directly in the margin at the point where they are first introduced.
  • The Brief Edition offers a streamlined narrative and the lowest price points of any full-color world history textbook currently available.