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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $34.95

352 pp.
6.125" x 9.25"


Publication date:
September 2012

Imprint: OUP US

Seduced by Logic

Emilie Du Chatelet, Mary Somerville and the Newtonian Revolution

Robyn Arianrhod

Newton's explanations of natural laws shattered the way mankind perceived the universe, and hence were not immediately embraced. How can anyone warm to a force that could not be seen or touched? But for two women, separated by time and space but joined in their passion for Newtonian physics, that force drove them to great achievements. Brilliant, determined, and almost entirely self-taught, they dedicated their lives to explaining and disseminating Newton's discoveries.

Robyn Arianrhod's Seduced by Logic tells the dual biography of Émilie du Châtelet and Mary Somerville, who, despite living a century apart, were connected by their love for mathematics and their places at the heart of the most advanced scientific society of their age. When Newton published his revolutionary theory of gravity in 1687, most of his Continental peers rejected it for its reliance on physical observation and mathematical insight and its lack of religious or metaphysical hypotheses. But the brilliant French aristocrat and intellectual Émilie du Châtelet and some of her early eighteenth-century Enlightenment colleagues - including her lover, Voltaire - realized the Principia Mathematica had changed everything, marking the beginning of theoretical science as a predictive, quantitative, and secular discipline. Émilie devoted herself to furthering Newton's ideas in France, and her translation of the Principia became the accepted French version of his work. Almost a century later, in Scotland, Mary Somerville taught herself mathematics and rose from genteel poverty to become a world authority on Newtonian physics. Living in France, she became acquainted with the work of one of Newton's protégés, Pierre Simon Laplace, and translated his six-volume Celestial Mechanics into English. It remained the standard astronomy text for the next century, and was considered the most influential work since Principia.

Combining biography and history of science, Seduced by Logic not only reveals the fascinating story of two incredibly talented women, but also brings to life a period of dramatic political and scientific change. With lucidity and skill, Arianrhod reveals the intimate links between the unfolding Newtonian revolution and the origins of intellectual and political liberty.

Readership : Interested general readers; students of the Enlightenment, intellectual Euopean history; those interested in the history of science and Newtonian physics.

1. Madame Newton du Chatelet
2. Creating the theory of gravity: the Newtonian controversy
3. Learning mathematics and fighting for freedom
4. Emilie and Voltaire's Academy of Free Thought
5. Testing Newton: the'New Argonauts'
6. The danger in Newton: life, love and politics
7. The nature of light: Emilie takes on Newton
8. Searching for 'energy': Emilie discovers Leibniz
9. Mathematics and free will
10. The re-emergence of Madame Newton du Chatelet
11. Love letters to Saint-Lambert
12. Mourning Emilie
13. Mary Fairfax Somerville
14. The long road to fame
15. Mechanism of the Heavens
16. Mary's second book: popular science in the nineteenth century
17. Finding light waves: the 'Newtonian Revolution' comes of age
18. Mary Somerville: a fortunate life
Epilogue: Declaring a point of view

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Robyn Arianrhod is an Honorary Research Associate in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Monash University. She is the author of Einstein's Heroes.

Making Sense - Margot Northey and Joan McKibbin
Descartes: An Intellectual Biography - Stephen Gaukroger
Isaac Newton - Gale E. Christianson
The Collapse of Mechanism and the Rise of Sensibility - Stephen Gaukroger

Special Features

  • An engaging story about women in mathematics, written by an author who is herself a Physics PhD and mathematician at Monash University.
  • Both a dual biography and history of science.
  • This book offers to a general reader an appealing introduction to concepts of Newtonian physics, written in an accessible and lively way.