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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $138.95

432 pp.
156 mm x 234 mm


Publication date:
December 2010

Imprint: OUP UK

European Stories

Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Contexts

Edited by Justine Lacroix and Kalypso Nicolaïdis

European Stories takes a new look at debates about European Integration by examining the role of "public intellectuals"-- i.e. political philosophers, scholars, editorialists or writers -- who contribute to framing the attitude of European publics to Europe and the EU. While there is an enormous literature on the role of intellectuals considered generally or in their distinct national contexts, there is precious little on their take on European integration in the post-war period. This book is ambitious: it aims to provide an overview of how thinking about Europe is expressed within distinct epistemological contexts and how different ideological configurations are shaped across time and space. Twelve national cases have been selected -- including founding and newer member EU members as well as non-member states -- in order to offer a wide range of contrasting intellectual contexts. Contributors are all themselves fully immersed in the respective national public spheres although the editors have been careful to choose colleagues who are not strongly identified with a very specific and contested position on the national spectrum. The expected readership is broad and interdisciplinary, ranging from political philosophy, to political science, history, sociology, and international relations. Hence, the volume should become a reference book for courses on European integration and European identity considered generally, as well as European history, history of ideas, and contemporary political theory. Beyond academia, it should be of interest to journalists as well as a more general readership interested either in European issues or the intellectual debates of our time. This is the first book published in English on this topic and will hopefully encourage the development of further research.

Readership : Scholars and students of the sociology and politics of Europe and the European Union.

List of contributors
Justine Lacroix and Kalypso Nicolaïdis: European Stories: An Introduction
Part I: Themes
1. Francis Cheneval: Lost in Universalization? On the Difficulty of Localizing the European Intellectual
2. Ulrike Liebert: Contentious European Democracy: National Intellectuals in Transnational Debates
3. Michael Freeden: On European and Other Intellectuals
Part II: Founders
4. Jan-Werner Muller: In the Shadows of Statism: Peculiarities of the German Debates on European Integration
5. Justine Lacroix: 'Borderline Europe' : French Visions of the European Union
6. Mario Telò: Italy and the idea of Europe
Part III: Joiners
7. Georgios Varouxakis: Mid-Atlantic Musings : The 'Question of Europe' in British Intellectual Debate 1961-2008
8. Katy Hayward: European Stories as National Narratives : Irish Intellectuals on Europe
9. Georges Pagoulatos and Xenophon Yataganas: Europe Othered, Europe Enlisted, Europe Possessed: Greek Public Intellectuals and the European Union
10. Carlos Closa and Antonio Barroso: Consensus, Benign Neglect and Specialised Knowledge : Spanish Intellectuals and Europe
Part IV: Returners
11. Zdzislaw Mach and Magdalena Gora: Between Old Fears and New Challenges. The Polish Debate about Europe
12. Daniel Barbu: The Geopolitics of the European Spirit in Post-secular Romania
13. Muriel Blaive and Nicolas Maslowski: The World of the Two Vaclavs: European Minded vs. National(ist) Intellectuals in Czechia.
Part V: Outliers
14. John Erik Fossum and Cathrin Holst: Progressive Nationalism? Norwegian Intellectuals and Europe
15. Nora Fisher Onar and Ahmet Evin: Convergence and Resistance : the European Dilemma of Turkish Intellectuals
Part VI: One Story or Many?
16. Juan Diez Medrano: Europe's Political Identity: Public Sphere and Public Opinion
17. Janie Pelabay, Kalypso Nicolaïdis and Justine Lacroix: Echoes and Polyphony. In Praise of Europe's Narrative Diversity
General Index
Author index

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Justine Lacroix is the author of Michaël Walzer. Le pluralisme et l'universel (2001), Communautarisme versus libéralisme. Quel modèle d'intégration politique? (2003) ; L'Europe en procès. Quel patriotisme au-delà des nationalismes? (2004) and La pensée française à l'épreuve de l'Europe (2008). Her publications appear in numerous journals including Political Studies, European Journal of Political Theory, Politics, European Political Science, Critique, Raison publqiue, Politique européenne, Ethique publique. She is Professor of Politics at Université libre de Bruxelles. Kalypso Nicolaïdis is a member of the EU reflection group on the Future of Europe (2020-2030) chaired by Felipe Gonzales. She was associate professor at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and has also held visiting professorships around Europe. Her publications appear in numerous journals including Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the Journal of Common Market Studies, Politique Etrangere, and Raison Publique. Her books include The Federal Vision (OUP), In the Long Shadow of Europe (Brill); and Mediterranean Frontiers: Borders, Memory and Conflict in a Transnational Era (IB Tauris).

Social Capital - Nan Lin and Bonnie Erickson
European Citizenship - Edited by Klaus Eder and Berhard Giesen
Making Sense in the Social Sciences - Margot Northey, Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese

Special Features

  • Innovative approach to key debates about European Identity.
  • Contains contributions from a number of distinguished scholars in the field.