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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $13.50

144 pp.
18 b/w line drawings, 111 mm x 174 mm


Publication date:
October 2011

Imprint: OUP UK

The Animal Kingdom: A Very Short Introduction

Peter Holland

Series : Very Short Introductions

The animal world is immensely diverse, and our understanding of it has been greatly enhanced by analysis of DNA and the study of evolution and development ("evo-devo"). In this Very Short Introduction Peter Holland presents a modern tour of the animal kingdom. Beginning with the definition of animals (not obvious in biological terms), he takes the reader through the high-level groupings of animals (phyla) and new views on their evolutionary relationships based on molecular data, together with an overview of the biology of each group of animals. The phylogenetic view is central to zoology today and the volume will be of great value to all students of the life sciences, as well as providing a concise summary for the interested general reader.

Readership : Ideal for students of life sciences and related fields, as well as general readers interested in the modern biological understanding of animals.

1. What is an animal?
2. Animal phyla
3. The evolutionary tree of animals
4. Basal animals: corals, sponges and jellyfish
5. The bilaterians: building a body
6. Lophotrochozoa: wondrous worms
7. Ecdysozoa: insects and nematodes
8. Deuterostomes I: starfish, sea squirts and amphioxus
9. Deuterostomes II: the rise of vertebrates
10. Deuterostomes III: vertebrates on land
11. Enigmatic animals
Further reading

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Peter Holland is Linacre Professor of Zoology and Associate Head of Department, as well as Fellow of Merton College. After a degree in Zoology and a PhD in Genetics he has spent the last 20 years undertaking and directing research into the evolution of the animal kingdom, focussing primarily on the genetic and developmental differences between animal groups. This research has been published over 140 research papers, including some in Nature and Science.

Dinosaurs: A Very Short Introduction - David Norman
Evolution: A Very Short Introduction - Brian Charlesworth and Deborah Charlesworth
The History of Life: A Very Short Introduction - Michael J. Benton

Special Features

  • Provides a summary of the modern understanding of the animal world and its evolution.
  • Shows how DNA studies have revolutionized the classification of animals.
  • Discusses key topics in zoology such as modern evolutionary trees and the origin of animals.
  • Part of the Very Short Introductions series - over three million copies sold worldwide.