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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter 17

Multiple Choice Questions

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1. What sets of beliefs usually involve judgements about the superiority and inferiority of different races?

a) racism
b) racialism
c) stereotyping
d) xenophobia


2. What is reserved as a privileged identity in London, England?

a) middle-class
b) aristocracy
c) whiteness
d) Welsh


3. What notion of kinship is measured through the genetic material of an individual?

a) interpersonal kinship
b) genetic bond
c) biological ance stry
d) genetic kinship


True or False Questions

1. The application of scientific racism was limited to colonial situations


2. Most social scientists treat the concept of race as a social construct.


3. Carmichael and Hamilton saw institutional racism as overt, in contrast to individual racism, which they regarded as covert.


Fill in the Blank Questions

1. The ________ of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries sought to demonstrate that race was a valid, scientific concept.


2. All human populations are ________ genetically similar.


3. ________ refers to the social and political processes by which racial groups are socially constructed based on perceived physical differences related chiefly to ethnicity.


Short Answer Questions

1. What is convenience sampling?


2. What is institutional racism?


3. What does genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA tell us about genetic variation?
