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Higher Education

Principles of Sociology: Canadian Perspectives - Chapter 14

Instructions: Click on the radio button beside your answers below. When you've completed the entire quiz, click the "Submit my answers" button for your results.

Question 1:

a) Karl Marx
b) Emile Durkheim
c) Edwin Sutherland
d) Max Weber

Question 2:

a) charismatic
b) legal-rational
c) traditional
d) modern

Question 3:

a) the absence of bourgeoisie
b) a massive reservoir of peasants
c) strong developed commercial agriculture by the landed aristocracy
d) equality between the landed aristocracy and the monarchy

Question 4:

a) pluralism
b) neo-Marxism
c) autonomous state
d) power/ruling elite

Question 5:

a) pluralism
b) power/ruling elite
c) neo-Marxism
d) feminism

Question 6:

a) pluralism
b) power/ruling elite
c) neo-Marxism
d) autonomous state

Question 7:

a) leadership was still largely controlled by the elite class rather than the majority
b) emergence of political parties had not yet occurred
c) many societies were still in transition between the old regime and the new democratic one
d) only men were entitled to vote

Question 8:

a) interactionist
b) feminist
c) functionalist
d) conflict

Question 9:

a) a social movement must be viewed as a success
b) government stability is needed to provide support for the counter-movement
c) a social movement's goals must be viewed as a threat to another group's interests
d) additional allies must be available to support an organization of a counter-movement

Question 10:

a) an event that finally 'breaks the camel's back' and unites people to fight for change
b) dissatisfaction with the dominant ideology
c) conditions that allow people to unite for change
d) potential participants sharing a counter ideology within the social movement

Question 11:

a) that individuals promote their own interests
b) that racial social movements result from fear and frustration
c) that social movements must challenge dominant culture
d) that collective action depends on the structure of local political parties

Question 12:

a) the idea of power and leverage in society
b) how parts of society promote collective interests
c) fear and frustration
d) the opportunities and constraints of the polity

Question 13:

a) movement coalition
b) frame alignment
c) structural conduciveness
d) united coalition

Question 14:

a) eliminating domestic violence
b) attaining voting rights
c) eliminating child labour and poor working conditions
d) the legalization of birth control

Question 15:

a) the degree to which the farmer's livelihoods were affect by the market
b) differences between right and left wing pressure groups
c) the factionalism between the voluntary associations in New Brunswick
d) less leverage and interest due to a lower population in New Brunswick