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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $170.00

328 pp.
7 b/w illustrations, 138 mm x 216 mm


Publication date:
June 2014

Imprint: OUP UK

Apartheid, 1948-1994

Saul Dubow

Series : Oxford Histories

This new study offers a fresh interpretation of apartheid South Africa. Emerging out of the author's long-standing interests in the history of racial segregation, and drawing on a great deal of new scholarship, archival collections, and personal memoirs, he situates apartheid in global as well as local contexts. The overall conception of Apartheid, 1948-1994 is to integrate studies of resistance with the analysis of power, paying attention to the importance of ideas, institutions, and culture.

Saul Dubow refamiliarises and defamiliarise apartheid so as to approach South Africa's white supremacist past from unlikely perspectives. He asks not only why apartheid was defeated, but how it survived so long. He neither presumes the rise of apartheid nor its demise. This synoptic reinterpretation is designed to introduce students to apartheid and to generate new questions for experts in the field.

Readership : Suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students, historians, and the general public with an interest in South African history, specifically the history of apartheid.

1. The Apartheid Election, 1948
2. The Consolidation of Apartheid
3. Sharpeville and its Aftermath
4. Apartheid Regnant
5. The Opposition Destroyed
6. Cracks within the System
7. The Limits and Dangers of Reform
8. A Balancing of Forces
9. Conclusion

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Saul Dubow previously taught at the University of Sussex. Born and brought up in Cape Town, he has degrees from the universities of Cape Town and Oxford. He has published widely on the development of racial segregation and apartheid in all its aspects: political, ideological, and intellectual. He has special interests in the history of race, ethnicity, and national identity, as well as imperialism, colonial science, and global circuits of knowledge. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Southern African Studies.

Writing History - William Kelleher Storey and Towser Jones
Twentieth-Century South Africa - William Beinart
Sharpeville - Tom Lodge
The Final Solution - Donald Bloxham
Dominion - Derek Hirst
The Oxford Handbook of Modern African History - Edited by John Parker and Richard Reid
The Cold War - John Lamberton Harper
Stalinist Society - Mark Edele

Special Features

  • Offers a new interpretation of apartheid.
  • Draws on the latest research.
  • Integrates histories of resistance with analysis of power and politics.
  • Situates South Africa in global perspective.
  • Written by one of South Africa's most accomplished historians.