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Higher Education

Sociology, 4e: Chapter 20

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the Submit my answers button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) Global
b) Silk
c) Diamond
d) Gold
e) Spice

Question 2:

a) rentiers
b) industrialists
c) bourgeoisie
d) managers
e) supervisors

Question 3:

a) the capitalist West
b) the socialist East
c) the underdeveloped
d) countries such as Japan, Russia, and Ghana
e) all of the above

Question 4:

a) suppress the right to the commons
b) commodify labour power and forms of production
c) appropriate the assets of largely colonized peoples through expropriation
d) secure corporate power through such means as deregulation, privatization, and corporate tax reduction
e) all of the above

Question 5:

a) economic benefits for Canada when they became more economically integrated with the United States when the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into force in 1994
b) rising trade with the US which made the Canadian economy richer and less vulnerable
c) smaller economic gaps between social groups and classes
d) a decade of impoverishment, social conflict, and environmental neglect
e) economic benefits in countries such as China that attracted investments

Question 6:

a) Westernization
b) Bureaucratization
c) McDonaldization
d) Americanization
e) Rationalization

Question 7:

a) exports to the US have soared, generating billions of dollars of profits
b) corporations have forced Canada to backtrack on measures to restrict the use of certain products that are considered health hazards
c) the largest Canadian corporations have increased their revenue but reduced their workforce
d) there is a growing presence of foreign firms in the Canadian economy
e) all of the above

Question 8:

a) our world is now flat, with fewer barriers, more prosperity and more peace, and poor countries can sell more goods to rich nations, thereby becoming richer
b) US-based multinational corporations plunder resources from the Third World
c) most of the economic transactions (investments, financial flows, trade) occur within rich nations and between rich nations, along with a very small and selective number of Third World nations
d) now people are opposing globalization because they think their jobs will migrate to the Third World
e) the modern state, which used to have a near monopoly of power over governance in its political as well as in its security role within a given territory, has seen that situation eroded

Question 9:

a) “deterritorialization” is occurring, in which traditional boundaries are eroding and becoming permeable to flows of information and capital
b) everyday decisions on such things as food, education, and security are taken in a context in which risks and potentialities are defined within the boundary of the national state
c) globalization interconnects trade, investment, finance, migration, and culture, and it accelerates the pace by which these interactions are conducted
d) globalization blurs the usual boundaries between ‘local’ and ‘global’ matters
e) all of the above

Question 10:

a) there is just one type of globalization
b) the massive expansion of social movements and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) everywhere in the world illustrates the rise of a “globalization from below”
c) modern capitalism promotes most national barriers that limit the expansion of capital
d) globalization can only work in a capitalist system
e) old-style imperialism has many similarities with current globalization practices

Question 11:

a) It involves a stretching of social, political, and economic activities across frontiers, regions, and continents.
b) It is marked by the intensification, or the growing magnitude, of interconnectedness and flows of trade, investment, finance, migration, and culture.
c) It can be linked to a speeding up of global interactions and processes as the development of worldwide systems of transport and communications increases the velocity of the diffusion of ideas, goods, information, capital, and people.
d) The boundaries between domestic matters and global affairs have become increasingly less fluid.
e) The growing extensity, intensity, and velocity of global interactions can be associated with their deepening impact such that the effects of distant events can be highly significant elsewhere and specific local developments can come to have considerable g

Question 12:

a) expanded
b) decreased slightly
c) remained stable
d) decreased until 2008 and then increased since then
e) declined significantly

Question 13:

a) Progressive conservatives
b) Neoconservatives
c) Democrats and republicans
d) Liberals
e) Neoliberals

Question 14:

a) the United States had the right to intervene anywhere in the world, with or without the consent of other nations
b) US-led wars could be “pre-emptive”
c) individuals considered a “potential threat” can be detained without trial
d) torture is necessary to “fight terrorism”
e) all of the above

Question 15:

a) Large financial institutions based on Wall Street took on bad, even illegitimate investments, which put the entire financial structure of the country and of the world at risk.
b) Financial institutions took on bad loans knows as “sub-primes,” which had enabled people to obtain easy mortgages.
c) Finance became the centre of the economy, with banks encouraged to move their money around and create a variety of new financial products.
d) Too much money was spent on social programs, such as subsidies for low-cost housing and food banks.
e) The “real” economy related to the production and marketing of goods and services was relatively weak.

Question 16:

a) Our economy is now more than ever “export-led.”
b) Exports of Canadian goods and services play a smaller role in the overall economy than transactions in our own internal market.
c) More than 80 per cent of Canada’s total exports go to one single market: the US.
d) Fewer than 50 per cent of Canada’s total exports go to the US.
e) Our economy is now more than ever “import-led.”

Question 17:

a) They are paid the minimum wage.
b) They don’t have a legal status.
c) They work on fixed contracts.
d) They are not allowed to apply for permanent residency.
e) They can be fired without any process and sent home immediately.

Question 18:

a) He proposes that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) should control money flows (e.g., eliminate financial “safe havens”)
b) He encourages that Third World countries pay off their debt as soon as possible.
c) He advocates fundamentally “humanizing” globalization by increasing social programs dedicated to helping poor communities.
d) He favours the reconstruction of the “social safety net” that existed under Keynesian policies after 1945.
e) He favours a return to some sort of regulatory capitalism.

Question 19:

a) A double-digit GDP growth has made China one of the largest economies as it becomes the “workshop of the world” in most consumer goods and, increasingly, in more technological products.
b) Many Chinese people, especially in urban and coastal areas have grown richer.
c) Its economy is now managed by private corporations rather than from the top by a strong state.
d) The ruling group controlling the state knows that capitalist growth needs to benefit the population.
e) It is now a major international investor and has a huge trade surplus and currency reserve.

Question 20:

a) The BRIC will account for 40 per cent of global economic growth between 2009 and 2020.
b) In Brazil, a left-centre government has managed to reduce poverty through financial transfers to the poorest part of the nation, which has helped local industries and markets.
c) Several processes are underway to integrate South American countries, such UNASUR, MERCOSUR, and ALBA, led by Venezuela, Cuba, and Bolivia.
d) The goal of integrating South American countries is to promote regional economic integration based on a vision of social welfare, bartering, and mutual economic aid rather than strictly trade liberalization.
e) All of the above are accurate.

Question 21:

a) Rising competition
b) The decolonization of the Third World
c) The rise of a new generation of protest movements
d) China and other BRIC nations being behind the US in terms of military powers
e) China and India having the “ingredients” to reach the top of the hierarchy

Question 22:

a) are fighting against big “agribusiness” multinationals and the spread of genetically-modified seeds
b) want ecological family-based productive units to be restored
c) are in favour of “food sovereignty,” which is based on local ownership and control over the production of food and the protection of the natural environment
d) contend that food should be considered a basic human right, not a commodity
e) all of the above

Question 23:

a) labour rights and environmental protection should be at the centre of any economic integration process
b) state sovereignty should take precedence over the interests of private firms
c) there should be significant transfers of resources toward the poorest (southern) countries
d) we should narrow the gaps created during decades of northern domination
e) all of the above

Question 24:

a) Free trade
b) Fair trade
c) Localization
d) Direct buying
e) Humanization