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Higher Education

Sociology, 4e: Chapter 09

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the Submit my answers button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) Sociology was a male-centred discipline, undertaken primarily by men who were studying areas of social life where men were dominant and where women were absent or invisible.
b) Sociology was a female-centred discipline, undertaken primarily by women.
c) Sociologists studied various things, such as race and ethnicity, crime, religion, but they did not pay attention to the role of gender.
d) Women were visible within the profession of sociology, but invisible within sociological studies.
e) both A and D

Question 2:

a) that many sociology departments today have an almost 50/50 balance of women and men, and gender is well-placed in sociological theory and research
b) the exclusion, isolation, and invisibility of women’s perspectives within the discipline of sociology
c) how gender should not be separated from other concepts in sociological investigation
d) how racialized women challenge injustices in Canadian society
e) all of the above

Question 3:

a) that there is no generational divide in the feminist movement and the young generation has the same view of feminism as previous generations
b) there is a generational divide in the feminist movement because in just one generation, the women’s movement has gone from bra-burning to breast implants within bras as an expression of supposed female empowerment
c) women can wear skimpy clothing and still be feminists
d) that women being able to wear what they want is a sign of liberation
e) both C and D

Question 4:

a) Social constructionist
b) Essentialism
c) Hegemonic
d) Patriarchal manhood
e) Hierarchical manhood

Question 5:

a) Gender
b) Sex
c) Masculinity and femininity
d) Gender role
e) Sexual identity

Question 6:

a) exclusively target women
b) imply that women are passive in the face of sexual assault and that if they fail to protect themselves, they invite it
c) blame the victims, the sexual assault survivors
d) completely ignore the role that men can play in ending sexual assault
e) all of the above

Question 7:

a) distinctions of sex are clear-cut
b) distinctions of sex are not as straightforward as people typically think
c) cultural features of gender are constant historically
d) psychological features of gender are simply related to biological sex differences
e) masculinity and femininity are gender roles that are related to sexual differences

Question 8:

a) desirability in the gay community is intrinsically linked with race, gender expression, and body types
b) muscularity and masculinity intersect in perceptions of desirability, putting gay men of colour at the top of the gay desirability totem pole
c) gay Asian men are particularly eroticized
d) relationships between white men and Asian men are common
e) desirability within the gay community is not racialized because there are no stereotypes about intra-racial relationships

Question 9:

a) embodiment can matter in particular sites and in particular times when men are caring for children
b) when a father is attending to children, gendered embodiment can be largely negligible
c) gender embodiment matters when fathers care for the children of others
d) gender embodiment matters when men linger in sites where children gather, such as parks and playgrounds
e) all of the above

Question 10:

a) Power control
b) Liberal feminist
c) Gender role socialization
d) Radical feminist
e) Marxist feminist

Question 11:

a) men are still outperforming women in overall attainment at almost all levels
b) women are now outperforming men in overall attainment at almost all levels
c) the educational choices of women and men are becoming fairly similar
d) both women and men are now mainly concerned with pursuing careers that offer greater financial remuneration
e) average grades for men and women are fairly equal

Question 12:

a) the majority of both men and women who bring a laptop to class say that they use their laptops to take notes and follow along with the lecturer’s PowerPoint presentation
b) male students were more likely to use their laptops to check email while in class
c) women were more likely to use their laptops to Google what the professor was lecturing about or work on assignments
d) women were more likely than the men to report that they were very comfortable using technology
e) all of the above

Question 13:

a) the domestic service relationship in Canada between female employer and female employee adds class and race complexities to gender inequalities
b) intersectional paradigms remind us that oppression cannot be reduced to one fundamental type and they work together in producing injustice
c) we need to contest the terms ‘visible minorities’ and ‘women of colour’ on the grounds that they draw attention to the physical appearance of those subjected to oppression and deflect attention from the institutionalized social practices that oppress them
d) issues of difference and disadvantage need to be viewed as both relational and structural phenomena
e) issues of difference and disadvantage operate at the level of identity or agency and at the same time they are rooted in the ways in which social institutions such as families, workplaces, and governments are set up and function

Question 14:

a) degree-level qualifications have become more important for careers that boys typically pursue more than girls
b) women have made significant inroads into professions such as law and medicine
c) men are still dominating some degree programs in which they have always been a majority, such as pharmacy and education
d) men have made significant inroads in traditionally female programs such as nursing, social work, and fine arts
e) programs like architecture, agriculture, engineering, math, physics are no longer male-dominated

Question 15:

a) male students are more likely to have paid employment than female students
b) female students who are employed work longer than male students
c) gender segregation in university programs carries female and male students into gender-segregated jobs in the labour market
d) even within the same occupation, young women begin their employment careers with a higher starting salary
e) all of the above

Question 16:

a) older women look at their daughters’ working lives and saw a world of boundless opportunity
b) regardless of gender, when young people transitioned from school to work, they looked for careers that were personally fulfilling and socially useful
c) gender did not appear to be limiting on any level, in the form of outright discrimination and rigid roles
d) mothers will face career setbacks even if they only take a short time off for childbirth
e) all of the above

Question 17:

a) gender inequality in employment tends to increase over the life course, and this can have consequences for how easy or difficult it is to cope with job loss or demands to keep pace with job changes
b) intersecting inequalities of gender, race, and class create experiences of work change that are relatively easy for some and very difficult for others
c) young men are the most likely to suffer serious work-related injuries
d) young women and men tend to be equally employed in non-standard jobs
e) young men are more likely than young women to remain in non-standard jobs

Question 18:

a) men are doing more housework and child care-related tasks and activities
b) there has been an increase in the number of stay-at-home dads
c) with women’s full-time employment growing, dual-earner households have also increased
d) women have become the primary breadwinners in nearly one-third of Canadian two-earner families
e) all of the above

Question 19:

a) multiplicity, homogeneity, hegemonic
b) masculinity and femininity
c) gender, class, race
d) music, fashion, and other cultural resources
e) both A and C

Question 20:

a) salsa
b) bhangra
c) reggae
d) trans
e) hip hop

Question 21:

a) breast implants and liposuction were the top two surgical procedures in China and India
b) customers for cosmetic surgery are getting younger everywhere
c) the media has normalized and glorified cosmetic surgery
d) attractive people achieve a higher degree of success than their less-attractive competitors on the labour market
e) all of the above

Question 22:

a) hegemonic masculinity / emphasized femininity
b) hegemonic gender / sexual identities
c) youth / adults
d) gender / race
e) gender / class

Question 23:

a) more young men undergoing cosmetic surgery
b) both genders having surgery done on the face and on body parts most associated with sexuality and gender identity
c) a global valorization of white Western characteristics
d) the age of cosmetic surgery clients getting younger
e) all of the above