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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter 5

Multiple Choice Questions

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1. Which founder of sociology was particularly impressed by the work of Charles Darwin?

a) Karl Marx
b) Max Weber
c) Ibn Khaldun
d) Saint-Simon


2. ________ believed that scientists and artists would become the priests and spiritual leaders of a new secular religion?

a) Clotilde de Vaux
b) Karl Marx
c) Saint-Simon
d) Harold Innis


3. Social dynamics, Comte's term for the process of social change, is also referred to as ________.

a) laws of anthropo-sociology
b) laws of coexistence
c) laws of succession
d) laws of association


4. What was Comte's view of social revolution?

a) Comte saw social revolution as a way to achieve human liberation.
b) Comte believed that once positivism became dominant, there would be no need for social revolution.
c) Comte saw no division between order and progress and remained indifferent to revolution.
d) Comte was a strong supporter of the French revolution, seeing it as a stepping stone for the reorganizing of society


5. Harriet Martineau is known for ________.

a) writing the first book on sociological theory from a feminist perspective
b) her observations about American society
c) hertranslation of Durkheim's The Division of Labour into English
d) choosing political practice over academic sociology


True or False Questions

1. Weber was opposed to the wholesale adoption of natural science models for sociology.


2. Saint-Simon thought industrialism heralded the beginnings of a new and better society.


3. Contrary to popular belief, Marx did not believe that the working class would supersede the capitalists.


4. Durkheim thought society should be understood as a higher-level reality.


5. Social facts are independent of any given individual.


Fill in the Blank Questions

1. Comte blamed ________ thinkers for the disintegration of society.


2. Littré adopted a limited kind of ________ informed by positivism.


3. Durkheim believed that society was ________, meaning that it is a higher-order reality that must be granted its own level of existence.


4. Social ________ are generally-accepted ways of doing things.


5. Harold Innis developed the ________, arguing that Canada's economic and social development depended on the extraction and exportation of natural resources.


Short Answer Questions

1. What is anomie and what does it produce?


2. What did Saint-Simon think he had identified with regard to human history?


3. How did Comte come to coin the term 'sociology'?
