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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter 4

Multiple Choice Questions

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1. What did Jennifer Hook's study of men and unpaid domestic work reveal about gender relations?

a) the benefits of a longitudinal comparison research design
b) the crisis of masculinity and feminization of home life
c) the influence of national-level factors on work arrangements
d) that all women want to avoid unpaid family work


2. How is data most frequently collected for a survey?

a) self-administered questionnaire
b) in-depth ethnographic participation
c) transitional focus group interviews
d) response bias questionnaire


3. Scholars call the patterned educational attainment of the children of new immigrants ________.

a) cultural assimilation
b) segmented assimilation
c) educational assimilation
d) access assimilation


4. In group discussions, interviewers usually pose ________.

a) closed-ended questions
b) open-ended questions
c) relational questions
d) nominal questions


5. ________ is a form of content analysis involving the analysis of texts.

a) Discourse analysis
b) Post-structuralist analysis
c) Hermeneutic analysis
d) Communication analysis


True or False Questions

1. Stanley Milgram concluded that few people have the resources needed to resist authority.


2. Photojournalism is considered a branch of sociology.


3. An experimental research design is most frequently used in sociology of the family.


4. A dependent variable is a variable that is affected by an independent variable.


5. The process of quantitative research begins with the research site.


Fill in the Blank Questions

1. Sociologists study a wide variety of social variables and have a variety of ways to ________ and measure those variables.


2. Interviewees have a greater tendency to respond to questions with ________ answers.


3. The work of French social philosopher ________ helped to popularize discourse analysis.


4. Willis used a number of research methods including ________ interviews, group discussions, and participant observation.


5. Christensen and Ferree demonstrated that both pro-war and anti-war speakers drew on ________ of gender to construct their cases for or against the Iraq war.


Short Answer Questions

1. How can content analysis be used in a quantitative research strategy?


2. What are the typical requirements of ethics boards?


3. How did the French social philosopher Michel Foucault view discourse? What has discourse come to mean in the social sciences?


4. What is the parental human capital framework used by Abada and associates?
