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Higher Education

Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Second Edition - Chapter 15

Instructions: Click on the radio button beside your answers below. When you've completed the entire quiz, click the 'Submit my answers' button for your results.

Question 1:

a) age.
b) income.
c) verbal fluency.
d) occupation.

Question 2:

a) shared working conditions in the manufacturing industry.
b) the class consciousness of members of the proletariat.
c) local communities, extended kinship networks, and shared leisure pursuits.
d) collective aspirations to move to middle class.

Question 3:

a) Max Weber
b) Karl Marx
c) Edward Grabb
d) Eric Olin Wright

Question 4:

a) the exploitation of the working class by their capitalist employers.
b) a social group's consciousness of their status and life chances.
c) a person's position in the capital, product, and labour markets, based on their economic resources.
d) the lifestyle of a social class, as defined by patterns of consumption.

Question 5:

a) functionalist
b) conflict
c) stratification
d) interactionist

Question 6:

a) interactionist
b) feminist
c) stratification
d) conflict

Question 7:

a) not actually helping people find employment
b) pushing people into low paying jobs
c) not providing adequate job search/interview skills to those in the program
d) costing tax payers too much money

Question 8:

a) the accuracy of his two-class conceptualization of society.
b) the inclusion of a so-called middle class.
c) whether proletariats are truly exploited, based on Wright's (1997) criteria.
d) whether industrialization really is the main cause for the stratification seen in society.

Question 9:

a) production processes; control; exploitation
b) class as a social relation; exploitation; status situation
c) inverse interdependence; exclusion; appropriation principles
d) class as a social relation; control; exploitation

Question 10:

a) an under-emphasis on the idea that society operates on the basis of consensus.
b) an over-emphasis on issues of power and exploitation.
c) an under-emphasis on issues of power and exploitation.
d) an over-emphasis on conflict in society.

Question 11:

a) challenges original thoughts on how various social classes developed
b) allows unwaged persons to be included in the class structure
c) reorganizes the class system to include race, gender, and ethnicity
d) allows men and women to be equally included

Question 12:

a) ownership of the means of production.
b) significant political power.
c) credentials.
d) material wealth.

Question 13:

a) relations of production.
b) means of production.
c) the mode of production.
d) relations of distribution.

Question 14:

a) own large corporations.
b) b) control the labour power of others.
c) own the means of production.
d) are very well educated.

Question 15:

a) social capital.
b) cultural capital.
c) parental SES.
d) all of the above.