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Higher Education

Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Second Edition - Chapter 02

Instructions: Click on the radio button beside your answers below. When you've completed the entire quiz click the 'Submit my answers' button for your results.

Question 1:

a) reviewing the literature
b) defining the problem
c) formulating a testable hypothesis
d) selecting the research design and then collecting and analyzing the data

Question 2:

a) An operational definition
b) A theory
c) An hypothesis
d) A correlation

Question 3:

a) definitions and indicators can vary, making valid comparisons problematic
b) there are no reliable indicators of such widely contested ideas
c) it takes all the fun out of using sociological imagination
d) it has little use for applied, empirical research about the topic

Question 4:

a) finding out which topics are important to the respondents
b) testing out your computer analysis
c) identifying any problems with the wording and organization of questions
d) deciding which respondents to leave out of the final sample

Question 5:

a) they are often not really questionnaires
b) they do not produce any reliable results
c) the environmental conditions are often not favourable
d) the sample of people used is not random

Question 6:

a) sampling accuracy
b) reliability
c) validity
d) predictability

Question 7:

a) construct
b) external
c) content
d) face

Question 8:

a) internal validity
b) face validity
c) reliability
d) external validity

Question 9:

a) a theory
b) a hypothesis
c) an operational definition
d) a correlation

Question 10:

a) ethnography
b) documentation
c) secondary analysis
d) historical analysis

Question 11:

a) the flexible hours
b) the ability to interact with other people
c) the collection of large amounts of meaningful information
d) that errors in research design can be adjusted and changed

Question 12:

a) survey
b) documentation
c) in-depth interviews
d) participant observation

Question 13:

a) pseudo-survey
b) content analysis
c) historical analysis
d) secondary data analysis

Question 14:

a) that studying women will provide a less distorted understanding of the world
b) the importance of recognizing the difference and diversity in women's lives
c) that studying society from the perspective of men and women will produce the best results
d) a tendency to ignore the gendered nature of knowledge

Question 15:

a) the findings are amenable to statistical analysis
b) it uncovers detailed accounts from an insider's perspective
c) it is conducted over a period of several years
d) it compares findings from a number of different cases