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Higher Education


Cheryl Regehr and Graham D. Glancy

Mental Health Social Work Practice in Canada
ISBN 13: 9780195429718

About the Book

Written by two of the discipline's foremost researchers and practitioners, this innovative new text is the only Canadian textbook to offer a comprehensive overview of the legal and policy framework for mental health practice in social work. Combining analysis of case studies with careful examination of evidence-based practices, the authors outline the social work practices that will best assist individuals and families struggling with mental health challenges. Accessible, rigorous, and grounded in research, Mental Health Social Work Practice in Canada is a useful reference for social work practitioners and an ideal text for courses in social work and mental health.

Readership : Mental Health Social Work Practice in Canada is a core text for second- to fourth-year level social work and mental health and mental health policy and practice courses offered out of social work departments and social service worker programs.

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