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Higher Education


Barry D. McPherson and Andrew Wister

Aging as a Social Process
ISBN 13: 9780195427196

About the Book

Aging as a Social Process is the most comprehensive and up-to-date survey of the topic on the topic in Canada. Employing a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches, it explains why aging is not just a biological process but also a complex social one. Each chapter in the fifth edition has been rewritten and updated to include 2006 Census data. Aging as a Social Process is a synthesis and interpretation of social science research and census data concerning individual and population aging. Throughout, the emphasis is on identifying, describing, and explaining patterns, processes, and current issues associated with individual population aging, rather than on describing programs or providing prescriptions to assist older persons. This approach enables students and practitioners to acquire basic knowledge about older adults and to develop an understanding of aging processes that people may experience throughout the life course.

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