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Higher Education


Alan Bryman and James Teevan

Social Research Methods, Canadian Edition
ISBN 13: 9780195419412

About the Book

Social Research Methods, Canadian edition, provides students with the conceptual building blocks and essential tools for conducting quantitative and qualitative research. Tackling complex and subtle and methodological issues in ways that require reflection rather than regurgitation, this text challenges students to think freely, critically, and creatively.

  • Seamlessly integrates qualitative and quantitative methods while exposing students to areas that transcend this distinction by explaining the benefits of combining approaches
  • Discusses research as an evolving process of inquiry rather than as a checklist of procedures, thus encouraging students to think critically about key issues
  • Canadian examples and practical applications reinforce fundamental concepts and foster understanding of complex material for Canadian students
  • Presents in-depth discussion of ethics in social science research to emphasis the importance of responsible conduct
  • Offers clear explanations of common statistics used in social sciences making complex material understandable
  • Provides step-by-step instruction of conducing quantitative analysis using SPSS
  • Covers the use of Nvivo software for qualitative data analysis
  • Companion website provides extensive student and instructors resources
  • Examines features of excellent writing, which helps with the daunting prospect of composing quantitative and qualitative research reports

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