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Alan Edmunds and Gail Edmunds

Educational Psychology in Canadian Classrooms
ISBN 13: 9780195428070

About the Book

Like all educational psychology texts, Educational Psychology in Canadian Classrooms covers the six fundamental topics of its discipline: teaching and learning; development (social, moral, and cognitive); individual variability and diversity; motivation; behaviour and classroom management; and assessment. Where this text distinguishes itself is in how it covers these fundamentals: via the Little Red Schoolhouse.

The Little Red Schoolhouse is a centralized theme that contextualizes all six major topics, bringing them together in a practical way that is easy for teacher-candidates to understand. Essential to this approach is the narrative's main character, Annette, whose experience teaching a class of students of varied ages, genders, ethnicities, and learning abilities over the course of a full school year draws clear connections between theory and its application in the actual classroom. No other educational psychology text attempts this tightly integrated approach using relevant teacher and student examples, which prepares teacher-candidates for the interesting challenges they will face daily in their educational careers.

This innovative, integrative approach allows authors Alan Edmunds and Gail Edmunds to cover the same amount of material as the competitors in fewer, easier-to-read chapters and helps both instructors and students make better and more realistic connections amongst the topics. In short, Educational Psychology in Canadian Classrooms is an authoritative guide for teaching teachers how to teach.

Readership : Faculty of education students studying educational psychology in their second and third years will be the text's primary market. Students taking educational psychology in psychology departments at the second- and third-year level represent a secondary market.


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