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Canadian Democracy, Eighth Edition: Chapter 8

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) vote
b) Charter of Rights and Freedoms
c) constitution
d) parliament
e) cabinet

Question 2:

a) a considerable number of responsibilities are assigned to central institutions, but member-state governments retain the ultimate sovereignty
b) all responsibilities are assigned to central institutions, but member-state governments retain partial sovereignty
c) a considerable number of responsibilities are assigned to central institutions, and member-state governments retain partial sovereignty
d) all responsibilities are assigned to central institutions, and member-state governments retain partial sovereignty
e) none of the above

Question 3:

a) pressure from neighbouring states
b) common recognition of a dictator
c) domination by a few powerful regions
d) a consensus of regions
e) a single undifferentiated region

Question 4:

a) consensus
b) self-interest
c) compulsion
d) domination
e) reason in politics

Question 5:

a) revolution
b) response to outside pressures
c) response to inside pressures
d) compromise
e) complete consensus

Question 6:

a) economic instability
b) international terrorism
c) a nationalist movement
d) an invitation to join a neighbouring country
e) an unstable bureaucracy

Question 7:

a) shared political values
b) the desire for political independence
c) similarity of social and political institutions
d) shared religious beliefs
e) a sense of cultural insecurity, real or imagined

Question 8:

a) a contract among the provinces
b) an agreement between English and French Canada
c) a contract among all of the ethnic communities of Canada
d) an agreement between the First Nations and white settlers of Canada
e) a contract between the provinces and the territories

Question 9:

a) 91
b) 92
c) 93
d) 94
e) 95

Question 10:

a) management and sale of public lands
b) property and civil rights
c) hospitals
d) education
e) criminal law

Question 11:

a) any activity or transaction
b) international trade only
c) interprovincial and international trade only
d) intraprovincial and intermunicipal trade only
e) intraprovincial, interprovincial, and international trade only

Question 12:

a) interprovincial trade
b) international trade
c) general trade affecting the whole of Canada
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

Question 13:

a) Quebec’s unique role in Canadian federalism
b) province–territory relations
c) governments’ political and administrative needs
d) core–periphery relations
e) none of the above has been a cause of intergovernmental conflict

Question 14:

a) its predominantly French-speaking character and its position on the St Lawrence river
b) its predominantly French-speaking character and its size
c) its predominantly French-speaking character and the fact that it shares a border with the United States
d) its relationship with France and its size
e) its relationship with France and its strategic position

Question 15:

a) Lucien Bouchard
b) Jacques Parizeau
c) Robert Bourassa
d) René Lévesque
e) Jean Lesage

Question 16:

a) negotiate with Ottawa on single issues
b) demand a major constitutional reform
c) hold a referendum on sovereignty-association
d) negotiate with officials from the United States to see if they would allow Quebec to adopt more powers if it were to join their federation
e) form coalitions with other provinces on key issues of shared concern

Question 17:

a) the constitutional recognition of the right to self-government for Aboriginal peoples
b) the amalgamation of the provinces within each region
c) the constitutional entrenchment of the principle of the equality of all provincial governments
d) the constitutional recognition of differences in the status and powers of provincial governments
e) the constitutional recognition of differences in the status of different federal powers

Question 18:

a) a change in campaign leadership from Parizeau to Bouchard
b) an uninspired federalist campaign
c) Bouchard’s personal charisma
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

Question 19:

a) claims that Ottawa does little to support prairie grain farmers
b) claims that federal spending decisions unfairly favour Ontario and Quebec
c) political powerlessness in the face of central Canadian dominance
d) claims that Ottawa does little to support the east-coast fishery
e) all of the above

Question 20:

a) politicians and bureaucrats
b) groups in society
c) nations
d) ethnic divides
e) the Prime Minister

Question 21:

a) Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
b) Newfoundland and Quebec
c) Ontario and Quebec
d) Saskatchewan and British Columbia
e) Quebec and Alberta

Question 22:

a) high-ranking provincial officials and business executives in the province
b) cabinet ministers and high-ranking officials of the two levels of government
c) cabinet ministers and the Prime Minister
d) the Prime Minister and premiers of provinces and territories
e) cabinet ministers and national-level business executives

Question 23:

a) the amount contributed to equalization by the largest provinces and the amount contributed by the smallest
b) what each provinces pays into equalization and what it receives in services
c) the provinces’ legislative responsibilities and expenses and the expectations of the founders of the Confederation
d) the fiscal capacities of neighbouring provinces
e) the provincial and federal tax rates

Question 24:

a) provincially administered programs whose costs are shared by all of the provinces
b) federally administered programs whose costs are shared by all of the participating provinces
c) provincially administered programs whose costs are shared between both the federal and provincial governments, as well as with participating citizens
d) provincially administered programs where Ottawa’s financial contribution is geared towards how much a province spends
e) federally administered programs in the territories, with the costs shared by all provinces

Question 25:

a) one-fifth
b) one-quarter
c) one-third
d) one-half
e) two-thirds

Question 26:

a) True
b) False

Question 27:

a) True
b) False

Question 28:

a) True
b) False

Question 29:

a) True
b) False

Question 30:

a) True
b) False

Question 31:

a) True
b) False

Question 32:

a) True
b) False

Question 33:

a) True
b) False

Question 34:

a) True
b) False

Question 35:

a) True
b) False

Question 36:

a) True
b) False

Question 37:

a) True
b) False

Question 38:

a) True
b) False

Question 39:

a) True
b) False

Question 40:

a) True
b) False