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Canadian Democracy, Eighth Edition: Chapter 2

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) the characteristic values, beliefs, and behaviours of a society’s members in regard to politics
b) an interpretive map for understanding the world
c) basic notions of how society, the economy, and politics operate
d) the study of political culture
e) an interpretive map for understanding political parties

Question 2:

a) an interpretive map for understanding the world
b) the politics surrounding the legal preservation of cultural customs
c) an interpretive map for understanding political parties
d) the characteristic values, beliefs, and behaviours of a society’s members in regard to politics
e) basic notions of how society, the economy, and politics operate

Question 3:

a) individualistic
b) libertarian
c) capitalist
d) collectivist
e) conservative

Question 4:

a) individualistic
b) libertarian
c) liberal
d) capitalist
e) collectivist

Question 5:

a) individualistic
b) libertarian
c) capitalist
d) collectivist
e) moderate

Question 6:

a) the equality of condition, a large role for the state in the economy, and better working conditions
b) freedom of religious practice, free enterprise, and freedom of expression
c) the largest possible margin of freedom in all realms of life for all individuals
d) the ability of the government to intervene in ways that promote the common good
e) the importance of continuity with the past, the preservation of law and order, and the acceptance of human inequality

Question 7:

a) a large role for government in addressing inequality, both individual and group rights, and multiculturalism and non-traditional lifestyles and institutions
b) the equality of condition, a large role for the state in the economy, and better working conditions
c) individual freedoms, free enterprise, and equality of opportunity
d) the largest possible margin of freedom in all realms of life for individuals
e) continuity with the past and the preservation of law and order

Question 8:

a) the importance of continuity with the past, the preservation of law and order, and the acceptance of human inequality
b) freedom of religious practice, free enterprise, and freedom of expression
c) a large role for government in addressing inequality, both individual and group rights, and multiculturalism and non-traditional lifestyles and institutions
d) the largest possible margin of freedom in all realms of life for all individuals
e) individual freedoms, free enterprise, and equality of opportunity

Question 9:

a) individual freedoms, free enterprise, and equality of opportunity
b) the largest possible margin of freedom in all realms of life for individuals
c) freedom of religious practice, free enterprise, and freedom of expression
d) a large role for government in addressing inequality, both individual and group rights, and multiculturalism and non-traditional lifestyles and institutions
e) the ability of the government to intervene in ways that promote the common good

Question 10:

a) The path dependency model
b) The end of ideology thesis
c) The tyranny of the majority
d) Cultural hegemony
e) Fragment theory

Question 11:

a) how Canada’s political culture has become identical to that of the United States
b) how culture and institutions are the embodiments of power relations whose sources lie in the economic system
c) how the political culture of a society is developed and disseminated by political elites
d) how societies are marked by certain major events at critical periods of their development
e) how New World societies were pieces of the European societies that gave birth to them

Question 12:

a) how societies are marked by certain major events at critical periods of their development
b) how New World societies became pieces of the European societies that gave birth to them
c) how culture and institutions are the embodiments of power relations whose sources lie in the economic system
d) how Canada’s political culture has become identical to that of the United States
e) how the political culture of a society is developed and disseminated by political elites

Question 13:

a) the movement of Loyalists from the United States to Canada
b) the differences in historical development of the American and Canadian political cultures
c) how liberals and conservatives view political culture
d) a challenge to the notion of the importance of ideology
e) the differences in historical development of English Canada and French Canada

Question 14:

a) how the political culture of a society is developed and disseminated by political elites
b) how societies are marked by certain major events at critical periods of their development
c) how New World societies became “fragments” of the European societies that gave birth to them
d) how culture and institutions are the embodiments of power relations whose sources lie in the economic system
e) how Canada’s political culture has become identical to that of the United States

Question 15:

a) the social effects of the British Conquest of New France
b) an emphasis on the impact that key historical events and conditions have on the trajectory that will be followed by a society, a value system, or an economy
c) the tensions among ethno-cultural groups within the country’s melting pot
d) a rejection of the effects of history on Canada’s political culture
e) the inability of the subordinate classes to see where their real interest lie

Question 16:

a) Marcel Rioux
b) Michel Brunet
c) Karl Marx
d) Fernand Oullet
e) Louis Balthazar

Question 17:

a) the survival of Aboriginal peoples in Quebec society
b) the role of the Church in Quebec society
c) the conservation of the religious and linguistic heritage of French Canada
d) the development of Quebec’s political culture
e) the secularization of French Canada

Question 18:

a) Will Kymlicka
b) W.I. Morton
c) Patricia Marchak
d) Donald Smiley
e) Margaret Atwood

Question 19:

a) French–English relations
b) Native demands for self-government
c) American influence on Canadian culture
d) Regional tensions
e) British influence in Canadian public policy

Question 20:

a) 1978
b) 1990
c) 2002
d) 2008
e) 2014

Question 21:

a) the young and highly educated
b) the old and highly educated
c) the young and poorly educated
d) the old and poorly educated
e) none of the above

Question 22:

a) territory ceded by Aboriginal peoples in treaty agreements with Ottawa
b) territory to which various Native communities claim a historical right
c) the Quebec–Canada borders
d) the Canada–US border
e) Canada’s maritime borders

Question 23:

a) Canada
b) Italy
c) Great Britain
d) Germany
e) France

Question 24:

a) equality
b) diversity
c) multilingualism
d) multiracialism
e) multiculturalism

Question 25:

a) the government has a responsibility to act as an agent for the collective good, and that responsibility goes beyond maintaining law and order
b) the government has a responsibility to act as an agent for individual good, but that responsibility should not go beyond maintaining law and order
c) real human freedom and dignity are possible only in the context of relations that allow for the public recognition and equal respect of group identities
d) real human freedom and dignity are possible only in the context of relations that allow for the public recognition and equal respect of individual rights
e) none of the above

Question 26:

a) True
b) False

Question 27:

a) True
b) False

Question 28:

a) True
b) False

Question 29:

a) True
b) False

Question 30:

a) True
b) False

Question 31:

a) True
b) False

Question 32:

a) True
b) False

Question 33:

a) True
b) False

Question 34:

a) True
b) False

Question 35:

a) True
b) False

Question 36:

a) True
b) False

Question 37:

a) True
b) False

Question 38:

a) True
b) False

Question 39:

a) True
b) False

Question 40:

a) True
b) False