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Leo Groarke and Christopher Tindale

Good Reasoning Matters! A Constructive Approach to Critical Thinking, Fourth Edition
ISBN 13: 9780195425413

About the Book

Good Reasoning Matters! 4e uses an innovative approach to critical thinking. Rather than the traditional 'spot the fallacies' approach to argumentation, which emphasises bad arguments, the authors instead identify the essential structure of good arguments in a variety of contexts and provide guidelines to help students build their own good arguments. Through the emphasis on good reasoning, sections of the book examine the most common problems with bad reasoning, including slanting, bias, propaganda, vagueness, ambiguity, and a common failure to consider opposing points of view. Also included is an analysis of visual argumentation, which has become a significant aspect of critical thinking in the 21st century. Working off of the significant revisions in the third edition, GRM! 4e is the most theoretically-up-to-date text available with a wealth of new exercises and selected answers that are more current than any other text on the market.

Readership: Undergraduate university critical thinking courses at the first or second-year level.

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