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Higher Education

Writing by Choice, Second Edition: Chapter Seven

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the Submit my answers button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) may be neglecting other more important parts of the research process
b) waste precious time with inessential tasks
c) save time, because they will not have to retrieve the information later
d) None of the above.

Question 2:

a) is seldom required by professors
b) shows that you have credibility as a writer
c) applies only to work produced by professional scholars
d) is irrelevant to the issue of plagiarism

Question 3:

a) scholars are simply required to include them
b) they are traditionally a part of the formal paper
c) they are the creation of scholarly publishing associations
d) they ensure a writer avoids plagiarism, show the writer’s awareness of the field, and allow sources to be traced

Question 4:

a) in a list of books and articles at the end of the essay
b) in an abstract at the front of the work
c) in the body of the essay
d) None of the above.

Question 5:

a) avoid repetitively citing the same source, if it is clear that only one source is being discussed
b) add citations for each and every idea mentioned in a source
c) include all the publication information in the citation
d) All of the above.

Question 6:

a) their readers can clearly see where cited material begins and ends
b) the material from a source flows seamlessly into their own writing
c) they do not interrupt the flow of the writing with citations
d) their voices combine with the voice of the source

Question 7:

a) any book on the subject published in the last fifteen years
b) an up-to-date style manual published by the organization responsible for the particular style
c) a writer’s own best judgment
d) All of the above.

Question 8:

a) the in-text citation consists of the author name, page number, and year enclosed in parentheses following the source material
b) footnotes are used each time the writer refers to an idea from a secondary source
c) a list of endnotes is included at the very end of the essay
d) None of the above.

Question 9:

a) all disciplines use the same documentation style
b) scholarly publishers use different styles than scholarly researchers
c) all of the documentation styles are fundamentally different
d) each discipline follows its own choice of documentation system

Question 10:

a) Modern Language Association
b) Modern Librarians’ Association
c) Morphology and Linguistics Association
d) None of the above.

Question 11:

a) endnotes
b) footnotes
c) parenthetical citations
d) None of the above.

Question 12:

a) author surname and page number
b) an author’s first and last name and year of publication
c) only the year of publication
d) None of the above.

Question 13:

a) The writer has failed to include the year of publication.
b) The idea is common knowledge, so does not require a citation.
c) The citation should be done as a footnote.
d) Because the writer uses a signal phrase including the author’s name, the name need not be repeated in the in-text citation.

Question 14:

a) Quotations longer than two typed lines.
b) Quotations longer than three typed lines.
c) Quotations longer than four typed lines.
d) Block quotations are not used in the MLA style.

Question 15:

a) cite the editor of the volume
b) omit the citation
c) cite the author of the essay
d) include only the year of publication

Question 16:

a) the bibliography contains more than one work by that author
b) they have made an error, because parts of titles never appear in parenthetical citations
c) the source has no corresponding entry in the bibliography
d) None of the above.

Question 17:

a) in quotation marks
b) in italics
c) in quotation marks and italics
d) in bold

Question 18:

a) use a different documentation style
b) not use the source
c) indicate the author in the signal phrase and omit the parenthetical citation
d) None of the above.

Question 19:

a) double-spaced, on a separate page, with one-inch margins, and titled “Works Cited”
b) single-spaced, on a separate page, with one-inch margins, and titled “Works Cited”
c) double-spaced, on a separate page, with two-inch margins, and titled “Works Cited”
d) None of the above.

Question 20:

a) The entries reduce the author’s given names to initials.
b) The title, Works Cited, appears in bold.
c) The list is ordered by year of publication, and the first line of each entry is indented half an inch.
d) The list is alphabetized by author surname, and each entry begins flush at the left margin, with subsequent lines in each entry being indented half an inch.

Question 21:

a) in italics
b) in quotation marks
c) in quotation marks and italics
d) in bold

Question 22:

a) The article title should appear in italics, not quotation marks.
b) The journal title should come before the article title.
c) The writer should use inclusive page numbering: 165-76.
d) The issue number should never be included.

Question 23:

a) the author’s name should be repeated for each individual work
b) the author’s works should be arranged chronologically by publication date, and the author’s name given only once, for the first work, the name being replaced with three dashes for subsequent works
c) the author’s works should be arranged alphabetically by title, and the author’s name repeated for each entry
d) None of the above.

Question 24:

a) should be edited to appear as plain text
b) are acceptable as long as the information is correct
c) are required in MLA style
d) None of the above.

Question 25:

a) a hyperlink
b) a page range
c) a date of access
d) an author name

Question 26:

a) do not require bibliographical entries
b) should be in the bibliography, but the MLA does not specify how they should be cited
c) must be in the bibliography, and the MLA provides guidelines for these types of sources
d) None of the above.

Question 27:

a) further explain points or to suggest additional reading
b) provide a parenthetical citation
c) incorporate the Chicago style
d) None of the above.

Question 28:

a) MLA
b) APA
c) CMS
d) CSE

Question 29:

a) endnotes
b) footnotes
c) parenthetical citations
d) None of the above.

Question 30:

a) author surname but not the date of publication
b) author surname, date of publication, and a page number for specific references
c) author surname, date of publication, and title of the work
d) author surname, date of publication, title of the work, and page number

Question 31:

a) “Works Cited”
b) “Bibliography”
c) “References”
d) “Sources Used”

Question 32:

a) include the year of publication, in parentheses, following the author’s name
b) do not include the year of publication
c) include the title of the work being referenced
d) None of the above.

Question 33:

a) the citation is missing commas to separate the elements
b) the citation is missing the author’s first name
c) the citation is missing the title of the work
d) None of the above.

Question 34:

a) a page number must also be provided
b) the year of publication may be omitted
c) the author’s name is omitted in the bibliography
d) the author’s name is not repeated in the citation

Question 35:

a) citing paragraph numbers or heading titles, in quotation marks
b) assigning page numbers to the material
c) using a different, paginated, source
d) None of the above.

Question 36:

a) an author’s first name is reduced to an initial
b) the bibliography is single-spaced
c) the bibliography does not employ hanging indentation
d) the bibliography appears on a separate page

Question 37:

a) the words University Press must be abbreviated
b) the first letter of each word in the book title must be capitalized
c) the entry requires the date of publication in parentheses after the author’s name
d) the author’s given name must be provided in full

Question 38:

a) a number used by institutions to identify particular writers
b) an identification number, beginning with the number 10, and made up of numbers and letters
c) a short biography of the student writer appended to the essay
d) an abstract, a summary of the paper’s major findings

Question 39:

a) footnotes or endnotes, and may or may not have a bibliography
b) parenthetical citations
c) only endnotes
d) only footnotes, but must have a bibliography

Question 40:

a) English
b) Chemistry
c) Engineering
d) History

Question 41:

a) double-spaced, all lines flush at the left margin
b) double-spaced, the first line indented 5 spaces and subsequent lines flush at the left margin
c) single-spaced, the first line indented 5 spaces and subsequent lines flush at the left margin
d) None of the above.

Question 42:

a) “see what follows”
b) “in the same place”
c) “note well”
d) “and other things”