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Higher Education

Writing by Choice, Second Edition: Chapter Five


Question 1:

a) develop the points supporting the topic sentence according to patterned structures
b) deepen the thinking in the topic sentences
c) add coherence by using “wraps” to conclude the thought of each paragraph
d) balance the length of each paragraph in the essay

Question 2:

a) rhetorical patterns
b) rhetorical modes
c) rhetorical questions
d) parallel structures

Question 3:

a) paragraphs too tightly shaped may appear insincere
b) the patterns help to create unity in the paragraph
c) the rhetorical patterns help to create coherence across the paragraph
d) the thought in the topic sentence may not be sufficiently clear

Question 4:

a) Writers should choose based on the instructions of the instructor.
b) All of the rhetorical patterns function in the same way.
c) The choice of which rhetorical pattern to use is generally arbitrary.
d) Writers choose based on many factors such as the audience, the purpose, the topic, and others.

Question 5:

a) breaking ideas down into smaller units
b) “loosening” ideas in order to begin taking them apart
c) separating ideas one from another
d) All of the above.

Question 6:

a) To let the reader know what will be discussed in the essay
b) To make an abstract concept more understandable to the audience
c) To help the writer understand the topic better
d) All of the above.

Question 7:

a) definition
b) cause-effect
c) chronology
d) narration

Question 8:

a) process method of development
b) chronological method of development
c) classification/division method of development
d) makes the writer appear credible

Question 9:

a) definition
b) cause-effect
c) chronology
d) narration

Question 10:

a) to entertain the reader with a vivid image
b) to convey close physical qualities of an object or space pertinent to the discussion
c) to enliven the scholarly discourse so as to engage the reader
d) to demonstrate the competent skills of the writer

Question 11:

a) expressing abstract ideas by use of a spatial analogy
b) decreasing the space of the paragraph to accommodate the description
c) increasing the space of the paragraph to accommodate the description
d) describing something in a controlled manner, from one side to another, or from top to bottom

Question 12:

a) to trace a subject’s development over time
b) to define an abstract concept
c) to dramatize and reinforce a topic
d) None of the above.

Question 13:

a) unhelpful in the personal essay
b) inappropriate for an expository essay
c) more formal
d) less formal

Question 14:

a) It is usually fact-based.
b) It relates the step-by-step stages of a process.
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.

Question 15:

a) They are concerned with the experience of the writer.
b) The use of personal experience can create drama and immediacy.
c) They make personal experience relevant to the reader.
d) All of the above.

Question 16:

a) They are focussed on the writer.
b) They use cause and effect.
c) They employ the spatial method.
d) None of the above.

Question 17:

a) divides a large group into two workable parts
b) breaks down a larger group into its parts in order to better show the working of the whole
c) requires the use of a chart, which can be inserted into the essay as an illustration
d) None of the above.

Question 18:

a) You can use it to organize an entire essay.
b) You can use it in one or more paragraphs to develop a main point.
c) It could focus on one effect, which would be accounted for by one or more causes.
d) All of the above.

Question 19:

a) cause and effect
b) classification/division
c) chronology
d) process analysis

Question 20:

a) problem-solution
b) cost-benefit
c) question-answer
d) narration

Question 21:

a) tends to lower the level of academic discourse
b) should be used in conjunction only with the cause-effect rhetorical pattern
c) is unnecessary and tends to clutter the writing
d) is fundamental to writing, helping to support ideas and clarify abstract ideas

Question 22:

a) compare and contrast
b) analogy
c) the problem-solution pattern
d) the cost-benefit pattern

Question 23:

a) analogy
b) cost-benefit
c) example/illustration
d) problem-solution

Question 24:

a) It is essentially the same as the compare and contrast method.
b) It considers the pros and cons of a subject.
c) It involves a comparison between one object and a second object.
d) It should be avoided in all but literary essays.

Question 25:

a) a novel analogy that surprises the reader
b) a comparison of two objects
c) an invalid or false analogy that distorts rather than clarifies the ideas
d) None of the above.

Question 26:

a) analogy
b) compare and contrast
c) question-answer
d) problem-solution

Question 27:

a) example/illustration
b) cause-effect
c) cost-benefit
d) All are equally useful in developing an entire essay.

Question 28:

a) employ long narratives to introduce their topics
b) omit introductions and come immediately to the body paragraphs
c) avoid even short definitions at the beginning of their essays
d) begin by carefully defining the important terms of their discussions

Question 29:

a) clarify what is intended by the term
b) clearly set the terms of the discussion
c) help to establish her credibility as a writer
d) All of the above.

Question 30:

a) may have changed significantly over time
b) can be enhanced by the addition of the writer’s subjective impressions
c) lacks any coherent denotation
d) will otherwise remain irrelevant to the reader

Question 31:

a) to what extent one of the topics should dominate over the other
b) whether comparison or contrast will predominate
c) whether the two topics under consideration are actually comparable
d) None of the above.

Question 32:

a) the block method and the spiral method
b) the point-by-point method and the spiral method
c) the simple method and the complex method
d) the block method and the point-by-point method

Question 33:

a) are usually empirical claims
b) rely for support on observation and measurement
c) are used in most expository essays
d) All of the above.

Question 34:

a) chooses a well-known fact and uses it as the basis for an essay
b) through empirical research discovers a new fact
c) uses an obvious fact about the topic as the topic sentence
d) None of the above.

Question 35:

a) are ethical claims
b) make a call for some kind of action
c) are supported through references to a literary text
d) are used in most expository essays