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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter Three

Student Self-Grading Multiple Choice

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1. In argumentative writing you begin by ________.

a) considering where you stand on an issue and how you can support your position
b) examining only one side of the argument
c) limiting facts
d) All of the above.


2. In ________ writing your voice should remain objective and your language neural.

a) argumentative
b) expository
c) descriptive
d) argumentative and expository


3. The use of narration and description can lend ________ to factual writing.

a) fact
b) drama, directness, and impact
c) assumptions
d) structure


4. In-class essays or examinations test your awareness of ________.

a) basic principles
b) the procedures and methods stressed throughout the year
c) the terminology of your discipline
d) All of the above.


5. Once you have distinguished what is important from what is less important in an in-class essay or examination question, you must focus the points you plan to include in your response,

a) shifting from active to passive voice
b) relying on what you were told to do in high school
c) adapting the question, if necessary
d) proceeding with caution


6. The use of examples and illustrations can aid in transforming the general and abstract into

a) the mundane and everyday
b) the concrete and specific
c) a means to an end
d) all of the above


7. Active reading skills allow the reader to demonstrate comprehension and the ability to analyze such elements as ________.

a) a writer's purpose, audience, and strategies
b) a writer's intentions
c) a writer's fashion sense
d) a writer's health


8. The main function of a critical response is to engage with the text and, through this engagement, to ________.

a) use elevated diction
b) share your views
c) rely on opinion without argument
d) react in anger to that which you disagree with


9. Failures in ________ expose that an author has not reasoned effectively.

a) logic
b) values
c) grammar
d) spelling


10. Argument is not only persuading an audience to see the value in your point of view; it is also persuading an audience to ________.

a) recognize the strengths in your argumentbr /> b) take on your point of view
c) find fault in opposing viewpoints
d) make a snap judgment in your favour


Short Answer Questions

1. When is an expository writing style most useful? When is an argumentative style most useful? Explain and refer to concrete examples.


2. Briefly describe what you might do to fulfill what each of the following verbs asks of you in an essay question: discuss, compare and contrast, explain, and argue.
