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Higher Education

Writing by Choice - Student Quiz - Part 7


In this quiz, identify the grammatical error in each of the following sentences. Keep in mind that there is one error per sentence.

Question 1:

a) Parallelism error.
b) Subject-verb agreement error.
c) Misplaced modifier.
d) Sentence fragment.

Question 2:

a) Subject-verb agreement error.
b) Punctuation error.
c) Pronoun-antecedent agreement error.
d) Apostrophe error.

Question 3:

a) Punctuation error.
b) Sentence fragment.
c) Pronoun reference error.
d) Dangling modifier.

Question 4:

a) Punctuation error.
b) Comma splice.
c) Dangling modifier.
d) Misplaced modifier.

Question 5:

a) Parallelism error.
b) Subject-verb agreement error.
c) Pronoun inconsistency.
d) Sentence fragment.

Question 6:

a) Pronoun reference error.
b) Pronoun-antecedent agreement error.
c) Pronoun case error.
d) Run-on sentence.

Question 7:

a) Comma splice.
b) Misplaced modifier.
c) Dangling modifier.
d) Punctuation error.

Question 8:

a) Apostrophe error.
b) Run-on sentence.
c) Sentence fragment.
d) Punctuation error.

Question 9:

a) Apostrophe error.
b) Comma splice.
c) Subject-verb agreement error.
d) Pronoun reference error.

Question 10:

a) Misplaced modifier.
b) Punctuation error.
c) Comma splice.
d) Run-on sentence.

Question 11:

a) Subject-verb agreement error.
b) Pronoun reference error.
c) Apostrophe error.
d) Parallelism error.

Question 12:

a) Misplaced modifier.
b) Dangling modifier.
c) Comma splice.
d) Apostrophe error.

Question 13:

a) Punctuation error.
b) Run-on sentence.
c) Pronoun case error.
d) Pronoun-antecedent agreement error.

Question 14:

a) Subject-verb agreement error.
b) Misplaced modifier.
c) Parallelism error.
d) Punctuation error.

Question 15:

a) Faulty comparison.
b) Dangling modifier.
c) Comma splice.
d) Run-on sentence.

Question 16:

a) Run-on sentence.
b) Dangling modifier.
c) Pronoun reference error.
d) Punctuation error.

Question 17:

a) Apostrophe error.
b) Punctuation error.
c) Faulty comparison.
d) Parallelism error.

Question 18:

a) Subject-verb agreement error.
b) Pronoun case error.
c) Comma splice.
d) Pronoun inconsistency.

Question 19:

a) Punctuation error.
b) Apostrophe error.
c) Pronoun case error.
d) Dangling modifier.

Question 20:

a) Pronoun reference error.
b) Pronoun-antecedent agreement error.
c) Misplaced modifier.
d) Comma splice.

Question 21:

a) Faulty comparison.
b) Punctuation error.
c) Pronoun reference error.
d) Subject-verb agreement.

Question 22:

a) Misplaced modifier.
b) Parallelism error.
c) Apostrophe error.
d) Comma splice.

Question 23:

a) Punctuation error.
b) Pronoun-antecedent agreement error.
c) Pronoun inconsistency.
d) Parallelism error.

Question 24:

a) Pronoun reference error.
b) Run-on sentence.
c) Dangling modifier.
d) Faulty comparison.

Question 25:

a) Misplaced modifier.
b) Subject-verb agreement error.
c) Sentence fragment.
d) Punctuation error.