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Human Geography 8e: Chapter 14

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) primary activities
b) secondary activities
c) tertiary activities
d) quaternary activities
e) None of the above.

Question 2:

a) economic activities that collect and utilize natural resources and raw materials
b) economic activities that handle and process knowledge and information
c) economic activities involving the sale, distribution, and exchange of goods
d) economic activities that process, transform, fabricate, or assemble raw materials
e) None of the above.

Question 3:

a) a measure that assumes that the cost of transport of materials is a direct function of their desirability
b) a measure that shows to what degree a firm’s least-cost location will be material- or market-oriented
c) a measure that assumes that human and physical geography are discontinuous and variable, which impacts the cost of goods
d) a measure that assumes that economic competition exists but is imperfect
e) a measure that describes how industrial activities actually operate in space, rather than being prescriptive

Question 4:

a) locational interdependence
b) a spatial monopoly
c) a market-area monopoly
d) agglomeration
e) an isodapane

Question 5:

a) conventional oil
b) whale oil
c) coal
d) charcoal
e) solar power

Question 6:

a) economic growth
b) the growth of urban centres
c) population growth
d) an age of imperial expansion
e) All of the above.

Question 7:

a) Japan, the United States of America, and Russia
b) Brazil, South Korea, and Greece
c) Montenegro, Hungary, and Colombia
d) Canada, Belgium, and Italy
e) Ukraine, Russia, and Japan

Question 8:

a) Japan, the United States of America, and Russia
b) Brazil, South Korea, and Greece
c) Montenegro, Hungary, and Colombia
d) Canada, Belgium, and Italy
e) Ukraine, Russia, and Japan

Question 9:

a) Fordism
b) post-Fordism
c) globalization
d) industrial restructuring
e) deindustrialization

Question 10:

a) loss of access to enough manufactured products to respond to demand
b) significant migration to the deindustrialized area; no factory means a more pleasant living space
c) fast and effective regional development of knowledge industries and tourism
d) economic depression and unacceptably high unemployment in the deindustrialized area
e) reduction of investment in service industries in favour of redeveloping manufacturing