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Human Geography 8e: Chapter 10

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) what ought to be, rather than what actually is
b) rational solutions that aim to please all parties
c) explaining economic location
d) explaining norms as they are actually played out socially
e) satisfying the individual, rather than optimizing the situation

Question 2:

a) a system in which products are consumed by the farmer’s household
b) a production system that does not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides
c) an agricultural system in which the production is primarily for sale
d) competition among land uses according to rent-paying abilities
e) agriculture that depends on commercial markets for seed stock

Question 3:

a) agricultural practices as defined by distance from the market
b) the premise that there is competition between different land uses according to rent-paying abilities
c) the premise that agricultural products are consumed by the farmer’s household
d) the idea that there is one central market for agricultural products
e) the notion that social life can be explained by individuals’ relationships to their places of residence

Question 4:

a) Physical environment
b) The number of central markets
c) Distance from market
d) Modes of transportation
e) The degree of profit maximization of farmers

Question 5:

a) a) corn production, which is currently the fastest-growing sector in agriculture
b) b) meat consumption, which has increased, with per capita consumption in China having increased by over 48 kg since 1961
c) c) diversifying diets worldwide, with people in both less and more developed countries choosing to limit meat
d) d) increasing urbanization, especially the greater access to fresh foods that results from urban affluence
e) e) environmental impacts, which are being seriously aggravated by soy production

Question 6:

a) can be organic (e.g., horse manure and guano) or artificial (e.g., ammonium nitrate)
b) b) can have tremendous negative impacts on the environment
c) c) has been associated with increased risk of certain cancers
d) d) are the single greatest contributor to the explosion of the world’s population in the twentieth century
e) All of the above.

Question 7:

a) societies were distant enough from one another such that there was little competition and therefore low scarcity
b) the world population was stable at one billion people
c) they had strategies to keep population below carrying capacity
d) their core cultural values included principles of sharing
e) domestication already provided sufficient supplies

Question 8:

a) the development and adoption of genetically modified organisms
b) the development of improved crop strains and their introduction to the less-developed world
c) the development and widespread introduction of no-till agricultural practices
d) the widespread introduction of organic farming practices and community-supported agriculture
e) the widespread adoption of machinery powered by renewable energy

Question 9:

a) The Free Trade Area of the Americas
b) The European Union
c) Canada

Question 10:

a) southern Africa, Australia, and much of western South America
b) the Eurasian tundra, northern Africa, and the Middle East
c) northern South America, equatorial Africa, and much of southeast Asia
d) c) eastern China, eastern India, and southern Japan
e) d) central India and northern China

Norton, Ninth Edition: Chapter 10

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the Submit my answers button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) what ought to be
b) what actually is
c) explaining economic location
d) rational individual action
e) Both B and D

Question 2:

a) proposes and tests theories
b) concerns itself with the circulation of capital
c) is critical of positivist methods and thought
d) Both A and B
e) Both B and C

Question 3:

a) a system in which products are consumed by the farmer’s household
b) a production system that does not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides
c) an agricultural system in which production is primarily for sale
d) competition among land uses according to rent-paying abilities
e) None of the above

Question 4:

a) agricultural practices as defined by distance from the market
b) the premise that there is competition between different land uses according to rent-paying abilities
c) the premise that agricultural products are consumed by the farmer’s household
d) the idea that there is one central market
e) All of the above

Question 5:

a) “physical environment”
b) “number of central markets”
c) “distance between market and city”
d) “mode of transportation”
e) “profit maximization of farmers”

Question 6:

a) dairy and vegetable products will be produced closer to market than forestry products
b) product location is affected by perishability and weight, as these affect transport cost
c) the intensity of production decreases with increasing distance from the market
d) Both A and C
e) Both A and B

Question 7:

a) product location is affected by perishability and weight, as these affect transport cost
b) dairy and vegetable products will be produced closer to market than forestry products
c) for any given product, intensity of production decreases with increasing distance from market
d) None of the above
e) Both A and B

Question 8:

a) they had no nitrogen fertilizers
b) the world population was stable at one billion people
c) they had strategies to keep population below carrying capacity
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

Question 9:

a) the development and adoption of genetically modified organisms
b) the rapid development of improved plant and animal strains and their introduction to the less-developed world
c) the widespread use of no-till agricultural practices
d) the rejection of brown agricultural practices
e) the widespread use of machinery and nitrogen fertilizers

Question 10:

a) The Free Trade Area of the Americas
b) The European Union
c) Canada