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Alan S. Trenhaile

Geomorphology: A Canadian Perspective, Fourth Edition
ISBN 13: 9780195430783

About the Book

With more Canadian content than any competing text, Geomorphology: A Canadian Perspective, fourth edition, is the essential text for undergraduate Geography and Earth Sciences students. Relevant to students in both introductory and upper-level courses, this comprehensive text provides outstanding coverage of the scientific study of landforms, landscapes, and Earth-surface processes. A two-pronged analytical study of geomorphology - focusing on both process and history - the fourth edition of this respected text engages student readers in a straightforward discussion of the material.

Companion Website for students - includes a glossary, chapter summaries, lists of further readings, an appendix on symbols, and an appendix on SI measurements.

Companion Website for instructors - includes all of the above as well as PowerPoint Slides that feature images from the book.

Readership : Suitable for undergraduate geography and earth science students taking courses in geomorphology, usually found at the second- and third-year level.

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