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Kevin S. Hanna

Environmental Impact Assessment: Practice and Participation, Second Edition
ISBN 13: 9780195430226

About the Book

Environmental impact assessment is among the most influential aspects of environmental regulation policy today. Through nineteen chapters that examine current debates, recent cases, and ongoing developments in Canadian EIA, Environmental Impact Assessment: Practice and Participation, Second Edition reflects the diversity of issues EIA processes now address. Part I provides a comprehensive examination of environmental impact assessment in Canada through analyses of methods and approaches as well as fascinating case studies that illuminate the wide-ranging influence of EIA in federal and provincial policy, planning processes, and regulation. Part II offers detailed profiles of EIA laws and regulations as they are applied in each jurisdiction, from Atlantic Canada to BC and at the federal level. This fully updated second edition boasts new chapters on Nunavut and the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games, making it the most current resource available. Ranging in scope from the challenges and future opportunities for EIA in Canada to detailed topics such as First Nations responses to high-level radioactive waste disposal, this text is an essential introduction to the field.

Readership : Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a standard upper-level course offered at most universities in Canada. It is generally offered through geography, but it can also be found in environmental studies, planning, and even civil engineering departments. It is taught mainly in third or fourth year, although at some schools it is offered as a graduate course.

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