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Robert Irish and Peter Eliot Weiss

Engineering Communication: From Principles to Practice
ISBN 13: 9780195424881

About the Book

Engineering Communication is a core text that teaches engineers how to write and communicate effectively and professionally. Expertly designed to address the specific needs of engineering students, the text provides an understanding of how rhetorical and linguistic concepts can help solve everyday problems in writing and speaking in the workplace. In addition to the standard skill of grammatical writing, the book teaches students how to write with precision and objectivity as well as how to assess and adjust for specific audiences. Theory and practice are bridged through a series of principles (rather than steadfast rules) intended to help students examine, question, and refine their communication skills. This is a text written for engineers by engineering communication professionals.

Readership : 1st, 2nd and 3rd year courses at the university and college level in Technical Communication, Essentials of English for Engineering Students, Engineering Technical Communication, Communication Skills for Engineering Students, and Technical Writing and Editing.

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