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Module 4

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the Submit my answers button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) participant observers
b) participants
c) informants
d) collaborators

Question 2:

a) they can lead to a fuller understanding of what is important to informants and they establish the researcher as an equal participant rather than a leader in the interaction
b) they can provide quantifiable information that substantiates various claims made by people during participant observation
c) they are qualitative in nature, and all anthropological fieldwork conducted by cultural anthropologists is qualitative
d) they help minimize social disturbances/disruptions within a community

Question 3:

a) they are critical of the responses that people provide to their questions
b) they can contemplate how their own feelings and personal impressions affect their fieldwork experiences
c) they spent time cross-checking the accuracy of the data that they collected and recorded in their field notes
d) they decide whether or not it is necessary to use additional fieldwork methods to gather information about people’s lives

Question 4:

a) qualitative methods only
b) participatory action research
c) culture shock for the two anthropologists who headed the project
d) observation exercises aimed at reflexivity

Question 5:

a) thoroughly interview all inhabitants of a particular community
b) talk to a travel agent and other tourists who have previously visited the community
c) bring comforts from home, like food or familiar reading material
d) critically research the work of previous anthropologists who have conducted work within the community before arriving there