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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $149.99

448 pp.
250 colour illustrations, 189 mm x 246 mm


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP UK

Fundamentals of Weather and Climate

Second Edition

Robin McIlveen

Familiarity and modern, sheltered lifestyles can dull our awareness of the ever changing sky above us. But an unusually colourful sunset or threatening storm can rekindle interest, admiration, and even fear. Even so, we generally fail to comprehend the enormous scale, power, and complexity of the atmosphere. With the effects of global climate change becoming increasingly apparent, an understanding of the processes that underpin our weather and climate is vital.

Fundamentals of Weather and Climate offers an engaging and insightful treatment of the behaviour of the lower atmosphere and takes a quantitative approach to describing the mechanisms involved. Beginning with an overview of the atmosphere and its components, the reader is introduced to the physics that drive weather systems, before setting these principles in the context of specific systems of differing scales and latitudes. Finally, the text draws this information together in relation to the problem of anthropogenic climate change.

Readership : Suitable for undergraduates studying climate-related courses as part of a degree programme in environmental science, earth science, geography, or meteorology.

1. Introduction
2. Observations
3. The constitution of the atmosphere
4. The state of the atmosphere
5. Atmospheric thermodynamics
6. Cloud and precipitation
7. The dynamics of the atmosphere
8. Radiation balance and heat convective and
9. The atmospheric engine
10. Surface and boundary layer
11. Smaller-scale weather systems
12. Large-scale weather systems in mid-latitudes
13. Large-scale weather systems in low latitudes
14. Climate and climate change

Online Resource Centre

Dr Robin McIlveen was formerly a lecturer in Environmental Science in the Institute of Environmental and BIological Sciences at Lancaster University

Making Sense - Margot Northey and Joan McKibbin
Empirical Methods in Short-Term Climate Prediction - Huug van den Dool
Environmental Chemistry - Gary W. vanLoon and Stephen J. Duffy
Elementary Climate Physics - Fredric W. Taylor

Special Features

  • Covers the essential aspects of weather and climate in the lower atmosphere and links the qualitative concepts with the quantitative mechanisms that drive it.
  • Thought-provoking end of chapter questions encourage the students to engage with and explore the subject for themselves.
  • Extensive learning features throughout the book make it a flexible resource for self-study and to support lectures.
  • Online Resource Centre features additional resources for lecturers and students.
New to this Edition
  • NEW! Two colour text design enhances the educational value of the custom-drawn illustrations, enlivening the text and enabling students to visualize the processes and interactions described more easily
  • NEW! Increased coverage of mid- and low-latitude weather systems, global circulation and regional systems, climate modeling and prediction, and thermodynamics.
  • NEW! Enhanced mathematical support opens the text to those without a strong mathematical background.
  • NEW! Full worked solutions to problems.
  • NEW! New end-of-chapter summaries.