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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $81.99

576 pp.
189 mm x 246 mm


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP UK


Peter Ferdinand, Robert Garner and Stephanie Lawson

With an unrivalled combination of exceptional clarity and analysis, this is the perfect introduction to the study of politics

Combining comprehensive coverage of concepts, approaches, and ideologies, this text features chapters on all crucial elements of political studies, including institutions and states, security, political economy, civil society and more. This is the only introduction to politics to combine genuine accessibility and an analytical approach, encouraging critical study and engaged debate right from the outset.

Readership : Suitable for introductory politics courses offered out of politics or international relations departments.


  • "The first and foremost advantage of using this book is the range of examples. As they are taken both from Europe and outside Europe, students from different backgrounds could draw on more familiar cases."

    "The theoretical material is not too 'heavy'. This is particularly good for first year students with little or no background in politics."
    --Edoardo Bressanelli, King's College London

  • "Extremely well-written, fluid, and easily comprehensible... This book is a lot clearer than its competitors."
    --Cillian McGrattan, Ulster University

  • "A clearly written introduction to a complex subject that does not talk down to a student audience. The writing is clear and flows well, but it does not feel simplistic. It treats the readers as adults."
    --David Moon, University of Bath

  • "There are many competitors which pitch the 'theories of the state' section at too high and too abstract a level for their intended audience. This chapter doesn't--and it also explains to the reader how the theoretical debates are of importance in the real world."
    --Michael Gough, UEA

1. Introduction: The Nature of Politics and Political Analysis
2. Politics and the State
3. Political Power, Authority, and the State
4. Democracy
5. Democracies, Democratization, and Authoritarian Regimes
6. Nations and Nationalism
7. The Ideal State
8. Ideologies
9. Political Economy: National and Global Perspectives
10. Institutions and States
11. Laws, Constitutions, and Federalism
12. Votes, Elections, Legislatures, and Legislators
13. Political Parties
14. Executives, Bureaucracies, Policy Studies, and Governance
15. The Media and Politics
16. Civil Society, Interest Groups, and Populism
17. Security and Insecurity
18. Governance and Organizations in Global Politics
19. Conclusion

Instructor Resources
- Political scenarios
- Discussion and essay questions
- PowerPoint slides
- Test bank
Student Resources
- Biographies of key thinkers: background and ideas
- Self-test questions
- Web links

Peter Ferdinand is Emeritus Reader in Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom.

Robert Garner is Professor of Politics at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom.

Stephanie Lawson is Professor of Politics and International Studies at Macquarie University, Australia and Senior Research Associate, Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Introduction to Politics - Robert Garner, Peter Ferdinand, Stephanie Lawson and David B. MacDonald
Politics - George A. MacLean and Duncan R. Wood
Making Sense in the Social Sciences - Margot Northey, Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese

Special Features

  • Comprehensive coverage of political concepts, ideologies, and issues ensures students receive a well-rounded introduction to the field of political studies.
  • Contemporary debates and key developments, such as the rise of populism, Brexit, and the Trump presidency, keep students up-to-date on essential topics.
  • Case studies and international examples throughout the text demonstrate the relevance of the concepts being introduced to the real world.
  • Engaging learning features - including key points, case studies, key debates, key thinkers, key quotes, and critical thinking questions - make the text accessible for an undergraduate audience.