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704 pp.
7.5" x 9.2"


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Speaking of Sexuality

Interdisciplinary Readings, Third Edition

Edited by Nelwyn B. Moore, J. Kenneth Davidson, Sr. and Terri D. Fisher

Now in a new edition, Speaking of Sexuality: Interdisciplinary Readings remains the most comprehensive, research-oriented, and interdisciplinary sexuality anthology available. Edited by a team of highly acclaimed professionals, this edition retains the same framework as its predecessors: sexual health. Its guiding principle is that a healthy sexual script should be a realistic goal for everyone, because sexuality is an inseparable part of an individual's persona from birth until death.

Speaking of Sexuality, Third Edition, presents leading classic and contemporary works in sexuality research and theory along with in-depth articles about timely issues from the popular media. The book chapters and journal articles, which have been carefully edited to make them accessible yet still rigorous, are enhanced by detailed part openers and chapter lead-ins that provoke critical thinking and class discussions.

Incorporating the insights of a new coeditor, psychologist Terri D. Fisher, the third edition offers twenty-eight new book chapters and journal articles and two additional units--"Relationships and Sexuality" and "Sexual Health." This edition also integrates more selections on race/ethnicity and sexual orientation and additional readings from psychological, anthropological, and feminist perspectives. It covers a host of cutting-edge topics including asexuality, bisexuality, evolutionary psychology, "hooking up," the medicalization of erectile dysfunction, oral sex, and virginity pledges.

Ideal for sexuality courses offered in psychology, sociology, family studies, health education, nursing, women's studies, and social work departments, Speaking of Sexuality, Third Edition, aids students in their quest to better understand their own sexuality and to become more savvy consumers of sexuality-related materials in the mass media. A revised Instructor's Manual and Test Bank contains a wealth of materials including chapter conclusions available in PowerPoint; multiple-choice, true/false, and essay questions; a chapter review form; and a list of relevant websites.


  • "This is the best book on the market."

    --Pepper Schwartz, University of Washington
  • "The coverage is far more in-depth than in any other text I've used. . . . When I used this text, the students produced the best papers ever. They emerged from the course with a very strong understanding of how sexuality is socially constructed as well as how knowledge about sexuality is advanced through well-designed research."

    --Karen McKinney, University of Louisville
  • "The book is comprehensive and covers a vast array of issues and topics. It stands head-and-shoulders above comparable texts. . . . The authors have clearly taken great pains to search out and include contributions across many of the most important issues in the area of human sexuality. Speaking of Sexuality rises to a level of intellectual quality that exceeds its contemporaries."

    --Philip Osteen, University of Maryland-Baltimore

* New to this edition
Each Part opens with an Introduction
John D. DeLamater and Janet Shibley Hyde: Foreword
Pepper Schwartz: Preface
About this Edition
About the Contributors
About the Editors
Part I: Historical, Theoretical, and Research Perspectives on Sexuality
1. Vern L. Bullough: Alfred Kinsey
Bullough chronicled the life and career of Alfred Kinsey from biologist to renowned sex researcher, and offered numerous insights into why his work continues to be controversial.
2. Vern L. Bullough: Masters and Johnson
This brief history of Masters and Johnson's research documents their clinical measurements of physiological sexual response that led to their often-cited, arbitrary four-stage division of the sexual response.
3. Edward O. Laumann, John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels: The Social Organization of Sexuality: Theoretical Background
A noted research team describes the underlying theoretical basis for conducting their landmark survey of sexual behavior and attitudes in the United States.
4. Joseph Adelson: Sex Among the Americans
In a well-written commentary, the author argues that the Laumann et al. study represents an accurate appraisal of sexual behavior in American society, i.e., that "everyone is not playing around."
*5. David M. Buss: Origins of Mating Behavior
Evolutionary psychology is used as a framework to explore the role of sexual strategies as adaptive solutions to human mating problems.
Part II: Sexuality and the Life Cycle: Childhood and Adolescence
6. John D. DeLamater and William N. Friedrich: Human Sexual Development
Two seasoned professionals trace human sexual development throughout the life cycle from the psychological, physiological, and social perspectives.
7. Robert T. Francoeur: Current Religious Doctrines of Sexual and Erotic Development in Childhood
Using a literary approach, Francoeur assesses the influence of religious doctrines on the sexual development of children in Western society.
8. Paul Okami, Richard Olmstead, Paul R. Abramson, and Laura Pendleton: Early Childhood Exposure to Parental Nudity and Scenes of Parental Sexuality
In this empirical investigation, the authors evaluate the supposed adverse effects of the "primal scene" on the long-term adjustment of children and their sexuality.
*9. Mark D. Regnerus: Forbidden Fruit: Imitation Sex and the New Middle-Class Morality
The author presents evidence of a religious and social class patterning of sexual substitution activities (i.e., oral sex and anal intercourse) that is not about abstinence but about risk reduction and safeguarding one's future.
10. Pamela I. Erickson: Negotiation of First Sexual Intercourse Among Latina Adolescent Mothers
Using the case-study method, the authors provide numerous insights into the role of cultural and social factors in the early initiation of sexual intercourse among Latina adolescent mothers.
Part III: Sexualitye and the Life Cycle: Young Adulthood
*11. J. Kenneth Davidson, Sr., Nelwyn B. Moore, John R. Earle, and Robert Davis: Sexual Attitudes and Behavior at Four Universities: Do Region, Race, and/or Religion Matter?
This study sought to determine differences, if any, in sexual attitudes and behavior and risk-taking among students at four distinctly different universities: a historic Black public university; a largely white, Southern private university with a strong religious heritage; a Southwestern public university; and a Midwestern public university.
*12. Kathleen A. Bogle: Hooking Up: Men, Women, and the Sexual Double Standard
An intriguing qualitative analysis of the growing phenomenon on college campuses of "Hooking Up", with an exploration of the new "rules of the road" and the vernacular, such as "friends with benefits" and "booty calls".
*13. Laura M. Carpenter: Virginity Lost: A Natural Step
This fascinating research uses case studies to graphically describe how the first sexual intercourse experience changed the lives of women and men.
14. Nelwyn B. Moore and J. Kenneth Davidson, Sr.: Communicating with New Sex Partners
The investigators consider the role of communication practices in sexual risk-taking behaviors and in healthy sexual behaviors.
*15. Katrenia Y. Reed Hughes and Veanne N. Anderson: What Turns Women On?: Black and White Women's Sexual Arousal
A provocative consideration of differences in sexual arousal between heterosexual Black and White college women, reacting to sexually explicit videos of Black and White men that were used as a research stimulus.
Part IV: Sexuality and the Life Cycle: Middle and Later Adulthood
*16. Jay Teachman: Premarital Sex, Premarital Cohabitation, and the Risk of Subsequent Marital Dissolution Among Women
The researcher addresses the question of whether or not prior experience with premarital sexual intercourse and cohabitation adversely affects the stability of marriage, leading to subsequent marital dissolution.
17. David M. Schnarch: Passionate Marriage
In search of a healthy, passionate marriage, Schnarch explores individual and relationship problems that manifest themselves in dysfunctional sexual styles and sexual dissatisfaction.
*18. Laura M. Carpenter, Constance A. Nathanson, and Young J. Kim: Physical Women, Emotional Men: Gender and Sexual Satisfaction in Midlife
This study addresses the social factors that contribute to the substantially lower levels of sexual satisfaction reported by late, midlife heterosexual women when compared to heterosexual men.
*19. John DeLamater and Sarah M. Moorman: Sexual Behavior in Later Life
The researchers in this article analyzed the influence of age as well as biological and psychosocial factors on sexual expression in later life.
*20. Barbara L. Marshall: The New Virility: Viagra, Male Aging, and Sexual Function
An exploration of the historical and contemporary dimensions of emerging sexual performance standards for aging men and the medicalization of male sexuality in later life by the health-care industry.
Part V: Gender and Sexuality
21. Jenna Mahay, Edward O. Laumann, and Stuart Michaels: Race, Gender, and Class in Sexual Scripts
Using data from the National Health and Social Life Survey, these researchers examine the differences in sexual practices and sexual scripts by race, gender, and social class, providing the most authoritative data since the publication of Kinsey's findings.
22. Pepper Schwartz and Virginia Rutter: Sexual Desire and Gender
The complex intertwining of the physiological and the sociological circumstances is creatively depicted by Schwartz and Rutter, illustrating the paths that these factors often follow in producing sexual desire in the human female.
23. Natalie Angier: Venus in Furs: Estrogen and Desire
Hailed as a scientific fantasia of womanhood, Angier takes readers on a mesmerizing tour of female anatomy and physiology, exploring the landscape from organs to orgasm.
*24. Michele G. Alexander and Terri D. Fisher: Truth and Consequences: Using the Bogus Pipeline to Examine Sex Differences in Self-Reported Sexuality
This intriguing experiment tested whether more permissive sexual attitudes and behavior reported by men as compared to women might result from false accommodation to gender norms (i.e., distorted reporting consistent with gender stereotypes).
Part VI: Relationships and Sexuality
25. F. Scott Christopher and Susan Sprecher: Sexuality in Marriage, Dating, and Other Relationships
The authors chronicle the major advancements made in sexuality research during the decade of the 1990s, and address the findings within the context of interpersonal relationships.
*26. Helen Fisher: Web of Love: Lust, Romance, and Attachment
The author approaches lust, romantic love, and attachment from an evolutionary, biological perspective while artfully reviewing the chemistry of sexual desire.
*27. Letitia Anne Peplau and Adam W. Fingerhut: The Close Relationships of Lesbians and Gay Men
A comprehensive review of empirical studies of same-sex couples in the United States, with findings presented concerning relationship formation, division of household labor, power, satisfaction, sexuality, conflict, commitment, relationship stability, and child-rearing experiences.
*28. Bethany Butzer and Lorne Campbell: Adult Attachment, Sexual Satisfaction, and Relationship Satisfaction: A Study of Married Couples
These researchers investigated the role of attachment in the reported levels of relationship and sexual satisfaction among married couples.
Part VII: Sexual Orientation
29. Richard C. Pillard and J. Michael Bailey: Human Sexual Orientation Has a Heritable Component
The authors, a psychiatrist and a psychologist, marshal available biological and medical data to argue that homosexual and heterosexual orientations have genetic linkages, i.e., heritable components.
30. William M. Byne: Why We Cannot Conclude That Sexual Orientation Is Primarily a Biological Phenomenon
This brief analysis raises questions about the limitations and possible misinterpretations of the biological and medical data claiming a genetic linkage to sexual orientation.
31. Susan E. Golombok and Fiona L. Tasker: Do Parents Influence the Sexual Orientation of Their Children?
The findings from a longitudinal study of the sexual orientation of adults reared in lesbian families are highlighted.
*32. Elisa S. Abes and David Kasch: Using Queer Theory to Explore Lesbian College Students' Multiple Dimensions of Identity
Queer theory and content analysis were applied to a developmental narrative of a lesbian college student to reveal the perceptions of her multiple identities as she negotiated her gender, sexuality, religion, and social class.
*33. Lisa M. Diamond: Female Bisexuality From Adolescence to Adulthood: Results From a 10-Year Longitudinal Study
The author considers the issue of whether bisexuality is a temporary stage of denial or transition; a "third type" of sexual orientation; or a heightened capacity for sexual fluidity.
*34. Nicole Prause and Cynthia A. Graham: Asexuality: Classification and Characterization
Purposes of this study were to ascertain the characteristics of asexuality and to test for predictors of this classification.
Part VIII: Sexual Health
*35. Janna L. Kim and L. Monique Ward: Silence Speaks Volumes: Parental Sexual Communication Among Asian American Emerging Adults
Through qualitative research methods, the researchers examined the amount and type of parental sexual communication recalled by Asian American college students.
*36. Antonia Abbey, Michele R. Parkhill, Philip O. Buck, and Christopher Saenz: Condom Use with a Casual Partner: What Distinguishes College Students' Use When Intoxicated?
The focus of this investigation was to determine the role of alcohol in sexual risk-taking, and to identify predictors of the frequency of condom use with alcohol intoxication.
*37. Flavio F. Marsiglia, Tanya Nieri, and Arlene Rubin Stiffman: HIV/AIDS Protective Factors among Urban American Indian Youths
The authors investigated how family and individual factors influence three HIV/AIDS risk behaviors: substance use at last intercourse; more than one sex partner in the last three months; and condom nonuse at last intercourse.
*38. Adina Nack: Damaged Goods: Mixing Morality with Medicine
Writing from a personal perspective, the author explores the emergence of gendered morality associated with the medical treatment of select sexually transmitted diseases (HPV, HIV, and Genital Herpes), resulting in shame and stigmatization for the female patient.
*38. Roseanne D. Dobkin, Sandra R. Leiblum, Raymond C. Rosen, Matthew Menza, and Humberto Marin: Depression and Sexual Functioning in Minority Women: Current Status and Future Directions
A comprehensive literature review revealing that sexual dysfunction and depression in women often co-occur, and the role of cultural factors in shaping the response to sexual dysfunction that results from antidepressant medications and from depression itself.
Part IX: Sexual Victimization and Compulsion
*40. M. Scott Young, Kelli-Lee Harford, Bill Kinder, and Jodi K. Savell: The Relationship between Childhood Sexual Abuse and Adult Mental Health among Undergraduates
This study examined whether gender moderated the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and adult mental health.
*41. Zöe D. Peterson and Charlene L. Muehlenhard: Conceptualizing the "Wantedness" of Women's Consensual and Nonconsensual Sexual Experiences: Implications for How Women Label Their Experiences With Rape
These researchers had three objectives: developing a multidimensional model for conceptualizing the wantedness of a sexual act; using the model to compare women's experiences with rape and consensual sex; and assessing whether wantedness is related to rape acknowledgement.
42. Cindy J. Struckman-Johnson, David L. Struckman-Johnson, and Peter B. Anderson: Tactics of Sexual Coercion
Contrary to popular opinion, while less often than men, women do sometimes use tactics to initiate sexual contact with unwilling sex partners, an interesting fact revealed by subjects in this fascinating piece of qualitative research.
*43. Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez: Heterosexual Fronteras: Immigrant Mexicanos, Sexual Vulnerabilities, and Survival
The investigator examined how migration may destabilize the boundaries of heterosexuality among male immigrants, leading to same-sex encounters with employers and other immigrant men and, at times, other forms of sexual harassment.
44. Jennifer P. Schneider: Effects of Cybersex Addiction on the Family
Using qualitative analysis of poignant survey responses data, this thought-provoking investigation reveals the major impact that cybersex can have on marital and family relationships.
Part X: Sexuality and Public Policy
45. Frank Rich: Naked Capitalists
An engaging writer reveals the interworkings, major players, and financial assets found in the pornographic film industry in this wide-ranging account of an American growth industry.
*46. Elizabeth Bernstein: Temporarily Yours: Desire, Demand, and the Commerce of Sex
Using in-depth interviews, this compelling exploration of the changing landscape of sex work provides a brief sketch of the academic and political discourse surrounding commercialized sex and offers a glimpse of recent attempts by state agencies to reshape demand in the sexual marketplace.
47. Judith Levine: Community: Risk, Identity, and Love in the Age of AIDS
With compelling wisdom and compassion, Levine writes about the need to focus on a sense of community in developing strategies to combat AIDS, using Minnesota's Twin Cities as a model.
*48. Felicia E. Mebane, Eileen A. Yam, and Barbara K. Rimer: Sex Education and the News: Lessons From How Journalists Framed Virginity Pledges
Content analysis was used to study how major newspapers representative of the Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, and West regions framed stories about True Love Waits, a nationwide virginity pledge campaign, and ADD Health, a longitudinal study that evaluated the effects of virginity pledges.
*49. Terrance D. Olson: Finding a Match: How Contexts Inform Comprehensive and Abstinence-based Sex Education Programs
The author argues that successful sex education programs must be transparent regarding the philosophies of sexuality and of education that undergird research and practice and that educational efforts must be tailored specifically to the social-relational contexts that research finds to be related to solutions.

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Nelwyn B. Moore is Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences at Texas State University, San Marcos. J. Kenneth Davidson Sr. is Professor Emeritus of Sociology and a former Coordinator of Family Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Terri D. Fisher is Associate Professor of Psychology at the Ohio State University at Mansfield.

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