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848 pp.
7 1/2" x 9 1/4"


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Readings on Social Movements

Origins, Dynamics, and Outcomes, Second Edition

Doug McAdam and David A. Snow

This is the second edition of a reader on social movements, edited by arguably two of the biggest names in the sub-field of social movements within sociology. The collection of readings is organized theoretically (rather than historically) and views social movements as best analyzed according to dynamics and internal / external processes. It is a compilation introducing examples of the most salient sociological / theoretical lenses that have been produced by social movement scholars in the 20th century.

Readership : Suitable for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in social movements and collective behavior.

Alternative Uses of Selections
Biographical Notes
Introduction: Social Movements: Conceptual and Theoretical Issues
Part 1. Disruption and Threat
1. David A. Snow, Daniel Cress, Liam Downey, and Andrew Jones: Disrupting the Quotidian: Reconceptualizing the Relationship between Breakdown and the Emergence of Collective Action
2. Jack A. Goldstone: A Demographic/Structural Model State Breakdown
3. Nella Van Dyke and Sarah A. Soule: Structural Social Change and Mobilizing Effect of Threat: Explaining Levels of Patriot and Militia Organizing in the United States
Part 2. Political Opportunities
4. Craig Jenkins, David Jacobs, and Jon Agnone: Political Opportunities and African American Protest, 1948-1997
5. Hanspeter Kreisi, Ruud Koopmans, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Marco G. Giugni: New Social Movements and Political Opportunities in Western Europe
6. Tamara Kay: Labor Transnationalism and Global Governance: The Impact of NAFTA on Transnational Labor Relationships in North America
7. Paul D. Almeida: Opportunity, Organizations and Threat-induced Contention: Protest Waves in Authoritarian Settings
Part 3. Resources and Organizations
8. Daniel M. Cress and David Snow: Resources, Benefactors, and the Viability of Homeless SMOs
9. E. A. Armstrong: From Struggle to Settlement: The Crystallization of A Field of Lesbian/Gay Organizations in San Francisco, 1969-1973
10. Jackie Smith: Globalization and Transnational Social Movement Organizations
Part 4. Facilitative Spaces and Contexts
11. Dingxin Zhao: Ecologies of Social Movements: Student Mobilization during the 1989 Pro-Democracy Movement in Beijing
12. Aldon D. Morris: Black Southern Student Sit-In Movement: An Analysis of Internal Organization
13. Robert Futrell and Pete Simi: Free Spaces, Collective Identity, and the Persistence of U.S. White Power Activism
14. Hank Johnston and David A. Snow: Subcultures and Social Movements: The Emergence of the Estonian Nationalist Opposition
Part 5. Social Networks
15. Marc Dixon and Vincent J. Roscigno: Status, Networks, and Social Movement Participation: The Case of Striking Workers
16. Roger Gould: Multiple Networks and Mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871
17. Doug McAdam and Ronnelle Paulsen: Specifying the Relationship Between Social Ties and Activism
18. David Smilde: A Qualitative comparative Analysis of Conversion to Venezuelan Evangelicalism: How Networks Matter
Part 6. Interpretive Processes: Framing
19. David A. Snow and Scott Byrd: Ideology, Framing Processes, and Islamic Terrorist Movements
20. Mario Diani: Linking Mobilization Frames and Political Opportunity Structures: Insights from Regional Populism in Italy
21. Myra Marx Ferree: Resonance and Radicalism: Feminist Framing in the Abortion Debates of the United States and Germany
22. Nicholas Pedriana: From Protective to Equal treatment: Legal Framing Processes and Transformation of the Women's Movement in the 1960s
Part 7. The Social Psychology of Participation: Grievances, Identity, and Emotion
23. Bert Klandermans, Marlene Roefs, and Johan Oliver: Grievance Formation in a Country in Transition: South Africa, 1994-1998
24. Francesca Polletta: It Was Little a Fever....': Narrative and Identity in Social Protest
25. Rachel L. Einwohner: Identity Work and Collective Action in a Repressive Context: Jewish Resistance on the 'Aryan Side' of the Warsaw Ghetto
26. Sharon Erikson Nepstad: Persistent Resistance: Commitment and Community in the Plowshares Movement
Part 8. Strategies and Tactics
27. Charles Tilly: Getting it Together in Burgundy, 1675-1975
28. Doug McAdam: Tactical Innovation and the Pace of Insurgency
29. Mary Bernstein: Celebration and Suppression: The Strategic Uses of Identity by the Lesbian and Gay Movement
30. William A. Gamson: The Success of the Unruly
Part 9. Extra-Movement Dynamics
31. Ruud Koopmans and Susan Olzak: Discursive Opportunities and the Evolution of Right-Wing Violence in Germany
32. Jennifer Earl, Sarah A. Soule, and John D. McCarthy: Protest Under Fire: Explaining the Policing of Protest
33. David S. Meyer and Catherine Corrigall-Brown: Coalitions and Political Context: U.S. Movements against Wars in Iraq
34. Franklin Rothman, Daniel and Pamela E. Oliver: From Local to Global: The Anti-Dam Movement in Southern Brazil, 1979-1992
Part 10. Intra-Movement Dynamics
35. Verta Taylor: Social Movement Continuity: The Women's Movement in Abeyance
36. Suzanne Staggenborg: The Consequences of Professionalization and Formalization in the American Labor Movement
37. Joel Andreas: The Structure of Charismatic Mobilization: A Case Study of Rebellion During the Chinese Cultural Revolution
38. Sidney Tarrow: Diffusion and Modularity
39. Frances S. Hasso: Feminist Generations? The Long-Term Impact of Social Movement Involvement in Palestinian Women's Lives
40. Holly McCammon, Courtney Sanders Muse, Harmony D. Newman, and Teresa M. Terrell: Movement Framing and Discursive Opportunity Structures: The Political Successes of the U.S. Women's Jury Movements
41. Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, and Sheera Joy Olasky: Age for Leisure? Political Mediation and the Impact of the Pension Movement on Old-Age Policy
42. Kenneth T. Andrews: Social Movements and Policy Implementation: The Mississippi Civil Rights Movement and the War on Poverty, 1965-1971
43. Doug McAdam and Yang Su: The War at Home: Antiwar Protests and Congressional Voting, 1965-1973

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Doug McAdam (Ph.D. SUNY Stony Brook) is Professor of Sociology, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Director of Urban Studies at Stanford University. Among numerous other activities and accomplishments in the discipline, Doug has published widely in the subfield of social movements, and is perhaps best known for his book Freedom Summer (OUP, 1988) which won three prestigious awards and was nominated for several others. He is Vice President of the American Sociological Association, and is the OUP HE delegate for Sociology. David A. Snow (Ph.D. UCLA) is Professor of Sociology at the University of California-Irvine. He is author of over 100 articles and chapters on various substantive areas, as well as a number of books, including Down on Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Street People, winner of numerous scholarly awards, The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, and Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide to Qualitative Observations and Analysis (with John Lofland, Leon Anderson, and Lyn H. Lofland). He is past President of both the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction and the Pacific Sociological Association, was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in 199-2000, and was recently named a Chancellor's Professor at UCI.

Making Sense in the Social Sciences - Margot Northey, Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese

Special Features

  • Authoritative and timely contributions on key topics.
  • Expert introductions and framing of issues and concepts.
  • Attention to a wide range of movements without sacrificing conceptual scheme.
  • A concern with movement "success" - how things go right or wrong.
  • Prominent authors.
  • Completely updated.
  • New selections on: the role of emotion in social movements, the role of narrative in social movements, the role of "identity work" and "collective identity" in social movements, work at the intersection of the sociology of law and social movements, transnational social movements, Islamic fundamentalism,the "policing of protest".