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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $13.50

160 pp.
10 illustrations, 4.375" x 6.875"


Publication date:
June 2025

Imprint: OUP US

Media Law: A Very Short Introduction

Lucas A. Powe, Jr.

Series : Very Short Introductions

Between 1964 and 1989, the US Supreme Court largely rewrote the constitutional law of the media. In doing so the Court protected virtually all materials from laws that penalized dissemination. But simultaneously the Court also approved some government policies that made access to information more difficult, causing Justice Potter Stewart to observe that the "Constitution is neither a Freedom of Information Act nor an Official Secrets Act."

The media that existed during the twenty-five years of explosive legal change was relatively stable. Most Americans who wished to learn about news and public affairs received quite similar information. Over the last twenty-five years, and especially the last decade, cable, social media, and the internet combined to transform the media. The law that developed to deal with the old media is the law that now applies to the new media. Yet the underlying assumptions of that law, especially that citizens rationally consider various sides of a debate, may no longer hold.

Media Law: A Very Short Introduction provides a description of the development and status of the law relating to all media - newspapers, magazines, books, broadcasting, the Internet - in the United States and the United Kingdom. It deals with criticism of government, taxation, defamation, privacy, libel, access to people, data, and places, obscenity, blasphemy, and the various issues created by the Internet.

Readership : Students and general readers interested in media law, intellectual law, history of electronic media, Supreme Court, journalism.

1. Beginnings
2. The historical Issues - criticism of government, prior restraints, and taxation - in the Twentieth Century
3. A brief discussion of theories of the First Amendment
4. Control of government information
5. Libel and privacy
6. Obscenity, indecency, etc.
7. The old and the new media
Further reading

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After clerking for Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, Lucas A. Powe Jr. joined the Texas faculty in 1971, where he is currently the Anne Green Regents Chair and Professor of Law and Government. He specializes in the First Amendment and the history of the Supreme Court. He has authored multiple books, including The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789-2008 and The Warren Court and American Politics.

Special Features

  • A clear and up-to-date account of media law, analyzing the US system in comparison with the UK and EU legal systems.
  • Presents a hit parade of the Supreme Court's greatest press victories: New York Times v. Sullivan and its progeny, Florida Star v. BJF, and Hustler v. Fallwell.
  • Discusses the UK's Official Secrets Act, Wikileaks, and Edward Snowden.