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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $114.99

528 pp.
47 photos, 45 figures, 16 tables, 8" x 10"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada

Social Problems: A Canadian Perspective

Sixth Edition

Lorne Tepperman, Joshua Curtis, Katherine Lyon and Sandra Colavecchia

Thoroughly revised to address a variety of contemporary issues, Social Problems: A Canadian Perspective uses diverse voices to take a concise, intersectional approach that encourages students to be active, engaged citizens in the pursuit of understanding and solving Canada's-and the world's-social problems. The book discusses and applies a range of theoretical perspectives - including structural-functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, feminism, and social constructionism - showing students the many lenses through which they can examine and interpret issues. Written by Canadian scholars, this text is an essential resource for studying social problems in this country.

Completely rethought and revised, the sixth edition of Tepperman's Social Problems is designed not only to present the most pressing social issues of our time-such as COVID-19, racial inequity, the fight for justice for Indigenous people, and wealth inequality--but also empower students to be active, engaged citizens who can effect change in their community and globally. The new edition retains the best features of the fifth edition-such as Be an Active Citizen-with brand-new features to help students explore their options for getting more involved as citizen sociologists. These include compelling video clips, profiles, and hands-on activities, all available in our Enhanced eBook, a fully digital version of the text.

Readership : Offered in 2nd or 3rd year, the Social Problems course applies sociological theories and approaches to help students understand the origins of and connections between the social challenges we face, both locally and globally.

How This Book Is Organized
1. What are Social Problems?
2. Class, Poverty, and Economic Inequality
3. Racialization and Ethnic Relations
4. Gender-Based Inequalities
5. Sexualities
6. Crime and Its Victims
7. Health Issues, Addictions, and Substance-Use Issues
8. Globalization and Global Inequality
9. Families
10. Young People, Old People, and Age-Related Problems
11. Schools
12. Workplaces
13. Populations and the Natural Environment
14. What Problems Are on the Way?

Instructor's Manual
Practice Quizzes
Self-Assessment Questions
Video Activities
Media Resources
PowerPoint Slides
Test Bank
Image Bank
Flash Cards
Chapter Overviews and Learning Objectives
Ebook also available: ISBN 9780190167004

Lorne Tepperman has spent four decades teaching undergraduates. His research has touched on a range of interesting topics, including, most recently, gambling addiction and its consequences for families. He has written a variety of textbooks on social problems, social inequality, and the field of sociology more generally. Dr. Tepperman's recent books include Real-Life Sociology 2nd edition (OUP, © 2021) with Anabel Quan-Haase; and The Stacked Deck 2nd edition (OUP, © 2021) with Jennifer Ball.

Josh Curtis has contributed to numerous publications including three textbooks, twelve academic journal articles and book chapters, three other peer-reviewed publications, and seven working papers. As well as being a co-author of Social Problems, Dr. Curtis co-authored Understanding Social Inequality: Intersections of Class, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Canada, 3rd Edition (OUP, © 2017) with Julie McMullin and has contributed to Grabb/Reitz/Hwang (eds.), Social Inequality in Canada: Dimensions of Disadvantage, 6th Edition (OUP, © 2017) and Albanese/Tepperman/ Alexander (eds.), Reading Sociology, 3rd Edition (OUP, © 2018).

Katherine Lyon is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Sociology department at UBC. She works within the fields of sociology of education and scholarship of teaching and learning, focusing on experiential pedagogies and inclusive assessment. In 2020, she developed a new course called COVID-19 and Society that invites students to examine COVID-19 as a global public issue, considering how pandemics inform social inequality, interpersonal interaction and societal change locally and internationally. OUP published COVID-19 and Society in 2021, based on this course.

Sandra Colavecchia is a professor at McMaster University and teaches Social Problems course. She specializes in the area of intimate relationships and families and her interests include diversity in intimate relationships and families, the impact of social media and new technologies in our private lives, social policy and the law, and money in relationships.

Picturing Social Problems - Lorne Tepperman, Cinthya Guzman and Ioana Sendroiu
Making Sense in the Social Sciences - Margot Northey, Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese

Special Features

  • Approaches the study of social problems with a careful balance of theory and a wide variety of contemporary examples
  • Applies Canadian and global content to a number of theoretical lenses
  • Writing style is approachable and easy for students to read
  • Includes feature boxes, key terms, and critical discussion questions throughout to spark student engagement
  • The text's well-developed art program is designed to make the book more accessible and engaging