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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $99.99

320 pp.
3 figures; 15 tables, 7.5" x 9.25"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada

Crime and Criminology

An Introduction to Theory, 4th Canadian Edition

Lauren Eisler, Rob White and Fiona Haines

The fourth edition of Crime and Criminology is a concise, comprehensive overview of criminological theory. By relating classical and contemporary theories to current criminological concerns through case studies and examples - such as racial profiling, sex trafficking, domestic violence, and cybercrime - the fourth edition is an up-to-date and remarkably accessible introduction to the study of theory in Canadian criminology.

Readership : Crime and Criminology: An Introduction to Theory 4Ce is a criminological theory textbook suitable for criminology theory courses offered in second- and third-year out of criminology and sociology departments at the university level, and out of criminology and criminal justice programs at the college level. The secondary market for Crime and Criminology 4Ce is introduction to criminology courses offered at the first-year level at both universities and colleges.


  • From previous editions...
  • "The book provides a solid foundation for higher level study of the politics of crime and the policy-making process in the criminal justice system."
    -Scott Clark, Toronto Metropolitan University
  • "The primary strength is that it is Canadian. It situates the historical context within Canadian society, [and] it provides Canadian examples and applications throughout."
    -Stephanie Howells, University of Guelph

1. The Study of Crime
2. Classical Theory
3. Biological and Psychological Positivism
4. Sociological Positivism
5. Labelling Perspectives
6. Marxist Criminology
7. Feminist Perspectives
8. New Right Criminology
9. Republican Theory and Restorative Justice
10. Critical and Postmodern Criminology
11. Digital Criminology
12. Conclusion

Test Bank:
· Each chapter will have:
-- 20-25 multiple choice questions
-- 20-25 true/false questions
-- 8-10 fill in the blank questions
-- 18-25 short answer questions
-- 5 summation essay questions
-- Answer key with section references
PowerPoint Slides:
· 15-25 slides per chapter, which will include:
-- outlines of chapter content
-- appropriate level of detail (slides following main headings, covering all key terms and concepts in each chapter)
-- all relevant tables and figures from the text
-- concise summaries

Lauren Eisler is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology and the former Dean of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at the Brantford campus of Wilfrid Laurier University. Her PhD, which focused on crime and deviance, was completed at the University of Saskatchewan in 2004.

Australian Authors:
Rob White
is a Distinguished Professor of Criminology in the School of Sociology & Social Work at the University of Tasmania. He is also Director of both the Criminology Research Unit and a member of the Tasmanian Sentencing Advisory Council. He is the former Director of Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies at the University of Tasmania.

Fiona Haines is a Professor of Criminology in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne. Her PhD, completed at the University of Melbourne, won the 1996 Chancellor's Prize for excellence (Arts and Social Sciences). Her teaching and research interests include corporate and white collar crime, globalization, and the sociology of crime and deviance.

Canadian Criminology - John Winterdyk
Crime in Canadian Context - William O'Grady
Making Sense in the Social Sciences - Margot Northey, Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese

Special Features

  • The only Canadian criminological theory text on the market, Crime and Criminology: An Introduction to Theory 3Ce provides students with Canadian examples, case studies, and research as well as situating the current state of the discipline within the greater historical Canadian context.
  • Coverage of classic and cutting-edge theories - from Marxism, feminism, and sociological positivism to biological, psychological, labelling, and new right perspectives - an intersectional approach gives students a thorough grounding in the discipline's foundations.
  • In-depth coverage of current issues, such as cyberbullying, mass shootings, Black Lives Matter, COVID-19, #MeToo, Indigenous issues, and political scandals, offers an engaging treatment of the latest ideas and theories.
  • Praised for its accessibility, the text's student-friendly yet sophisticated writing style helps students new to the field grasp theoretical concepts.
  • Fully updated with the most recent research, legislation, and examples. It reflects the most current trends in the field with greater emphasis on critical race theory (Ch. 10), postcolonial theory (Ch. 10), republican theory (Ch. 9), restorative justice (Ch. 9), and intersectional feminism (Ch. 7).
New to this Edition
  • Sweeping updates on the most recent research, legislation, and examples ensure the text reflects the most current trends in the field with greater emphasis on critical race theory (Ch.10), postcolonial theory (Ch.10), republican theory (Ch.9), restorative justice (Ch.9), and intersectional feminism (Ch.7).
  • New chapter on digital criminology theory explores our digital society and its relationship to crime and justice.
  • Crime in Context, Case in Point, and Theory in Current Research boxes have been replaced with all-new content throughout. Topics include an Indigenous reporter's arrest at the 1492 Land Back Lane protests (Ch.1), sexual serial killers (Ch.4), the neglect and abuse of an Indigenous woman at a hospital (Ch.5), the WE charity scandal (Ch.6), COVID-19 and domestic violence (Ch.7), and more.