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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $109.99

840 pp.
335 illustrations, 7.5" x 9.25"


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Imprint: OUP US

Europe in the Modern World

A New Narrative History, Second Edition

Edward Berenson

Europe in the Modern World, Second Edition, is an engaging narrative history of Europe since 1500. Written by an award-winning teacher and scholar, it highlights the major episodes of the European past and vividly connects those episodes to major international events. Each chapter opens with a compelling biographical sketch that gives the book's ideas a vibrant, human face.

Europe in the Modern World pays considerably more attention to economic history than other textbooks do, demonstrating the role that economic developments - and the political, social, and cultural responses to them - play in shaping the political and social life of a given age. By taking politics and economics seriously while doing justice to social and cultural life, this unique book explains the key phenomena of the Western past with clarity and verve. It reads not like a typical academic text, but more like the best narrative history.

Readership : Undergraduates enrolled in European History courses.


  • "Berenson has pulled off an impressive feat in telling the story and explaining the significance of modern European history clearly, comprehensively, and concisely. Students will be drawn into each chapter by reading introductory vignettes about historical figures whose lives encapsulate the main themes of the period."
    --Geoffrey Clark, The State University of New York at Potsdam

  • "Europe in the Modern World clears the clutter and allows students to work on their narrative reading skills while engaging in the key themes of Western Civilization."
    --Matthew Lindaman, Winona State University

  • "I have not found another book that is better than Europe in the Modern World."
    --Sarah K. Danielsson, Queensborough Community College

List of Maps
About the Author
Biography: Europa
What and Where Is Europe?
Why History?
Europe in 1450-1500
Agriculture, Industry, and Trade in 1450-1500
Religion, Culture, and Intellectual Life in 1450-1500
The Structure of This Book
Biography: Martin Luther
The Beginnings of Religious Change
The Protestand Reformation
Luther and Religious Reforms in Germany
Zwingli and the Radicalization of Religious Reform
Thomas M:untzer's Radical
---Anabaptism and the Peasants' War
---The Politics of Religious Strife
Predestination and the Creation of a Calvinist Church
The French Religious Wars
Ohter Calvinist Gains
The Protestand Transformation in England
The Catholic Reformation
The Catholic Recovery
The Council of Trent
The Jesuits
The Counter-Reformation
The Thirty Years' War
Reformation Society and Culture
The Visual Arts

Conclusion: The Reformation's Outcomes and Results
2. STATES AND EMPIRES, 1500-1715
Biography: Roxelana, the Ottoman Queen
The Ottoman Empire
The Rise of the Ottoman Empire
The Expansion of the Ottoman Empire
Spain and the Spanish Empire
The Columbian Exchange
The Troubled Government of Spain
Portugal and the Portuguese Empire
The Netherlands and the Dutch Private Enterprise Empire
Dutch Independence
The Dutch Empire

England and the British Empire
England's Political Institutions
The Beginnings of the British Empire
The British Empire in North America
France and the French Empire
French Political Institutions: The Nobility and the King
A New Nobility
The French Empire
Slavery and Race
The Russian Empire
Sweden and the Swedish Empire
The Emergence of a Strong Swedish State
Sweden Becomes a Regional Power

Germany and the Holy Roman Empire
Austria, Bohemia, and Hungary: The Limits of Habsburg Authority
Conclusion: The Rise and Decline of European Empires
Biography: Louis XIV
Upheavals of the Seventeenth Century
The Little Ice Age
Wars of the Seventeenth Century
Germany and the Thirty Years' War
Russia in the Seventeenth Century
The Decline of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Rise and Fall of the Swedish Empire
The Ottoman Empire Confronts the Little Ice Age
France and the Crisis of the Seventeenth Century
The Fronde
Absolutism and Its Limits
The Wars of Louis XIV, 1660s to 1714

England's Road to Revolution and Civil War
English Protestantism Divides in Two
The English Civil War
The English Revolution
The Restoration

Conclusion: Global Cooling and Its Turbulent Effects
Biography: Galileo
A Scientific Revolution?
The World as Machine
The Experimental Method
Descartes and the Quest for Certainty
Isaac Newton: The Way Gravity Works

"Enlightenment": From the Natural World to the Study of Humankind
"What Is Enlightenment?"
Natural Law and the Nature of Human Beings
Locke, Mandeville, and the Scottish Enlightenment
Rousseau and Natural Man
Civilization and "Primitive" Man
Rationality and the Critique
of Religion
National Differences in Enlightenment Thought
Voltaire and the Critique of Religion in France
The Theory and Practice of Government\
Women and the New Philosophy

Conclusion: The Accomplishments of the Enlightenment
Biography: Toussaint Louverture
Origins of the French Revolution
The Financial Crisis
The Political Crisis
The Public Opinion Crisis
The Crisis of Frustrated Expectations
France's New Social Structure

The Revolution
The Revolution Takes Off
The Great Fear
The Revolution Settles In
Religion and Revolution
The End of the Monarchy
Civil War and Terror
The End of the Terror
The Directory, 1794-1799
Britain, Russia, and the French Revolution
Revolution in the French Empire

Napoleon's European Empire
Conclusion: The Legacy of the French Revolution
Biography: Richard Arkwright
Origins of the Industrial Revolution: Why Britain?
Britain's Urban, Market-Oriented, High-Wage Economy
The Agricultural
Coal: The Revolution in Energy
The Rise of Cotton
The Mechanization of Industry

The Industrial Revolution Moves Beyond Cotton
Economic Development Outside of Britain
The Cultural and Political Origins of the Industrial Revolution
Social Consequences of the Industrial Revolution
The Lives of Working People
Economic Instability and Its Consequences
Changes in Family Life
The Factory, Workers, and the Rise of the Labor Movement

Economic Liberalism
Conclusion: The Limits of Britain's Industrial Revolution
Biography: George Sand
The Congress of Vienna
The Peace Settlement
The Slave Trade

New Ideologies of the Post-Revolutionary Period


Political Systems and the Quest for Reform
The Autocracies: Austria, Russia, and Prussia
Prussia and the Non-Habsburg German States
Revolution in Spain and Italy
France: The Rise of Constitutional Monarchy

The French Revolution of 1830
Rebellions in the Low Countries, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, and the Ottoman Empire

Britain: Social Change and Political Reform
1848: Europe in Revolution
The Revolution Begins
The Spread of Revolution

Conclusion: The Meaning of 1848
Biography: Otto von Bismarck
The New Industrialization
A New Prosperity?
Urbanization and the Urban World
The Redevelopment of Paris
Europe's Worldwide Economic Role

Political Change
Prosperity and Empire in France
The Crimean War
The Eclipse of Russia

National Unification
The Unification of Italy
The Unification of Germany
Consequences of the German Unification

--The Creation of Austria-Hungary, 1867
--The New French Republic
Marxism and the Opposition to Capitalism
Trade Unions, Women's Rights, and the Rise of Socialist Parties
Positivism, Evolution, and the Hegemony of Science
Religion in the Modern World
Popular Culture
Conclusion: A New European Balance of Power
Biography: Maria Montessori
Life and Death and the Movement of People
Economic Change during the Long Depression, 1873-1893
The Agricultural Crisis
The Industrial Economy Matures
Britain's Relative Decline
and the Flurry of Inventions
Tariffs and the Rise of Economic Nationalism

Politics and Political Change
Britain: The Practice of Liberalism
France: The Achievement of a Democratic Republic
Germany: The Persistence of Authoritarian and Aristocratic Rule
Reform in Germany
Imperialism and Empire
Why Imperialism?
Nationalist Reactions to Imperialism
The Empire at Home
From Missionaries to the "Civilizing Mission"
Russia, Austria, and the Balkans
Austria-Hungary: Nationalism and the Empire

"Politics in a New Key": Anti-Semitism and the Extreme Right
Anti-Semitism in Russia and France
The Dreyfus Affair

Feminism and the New Woman
Origins of the First World War
The Road to War
Morocco and the Balkans

Conclusion: Europe Plunges into the Abyss
10. THE FIRST WORLD WAR, 1914-1919
Biography: Siegfried Sassoon
The Outbreak of War
The Battles of the Marne and Ypres
The Western Front
Trench Warfare
The Battles of Verdun and the Somme
The Eastern Front
The War Outside Europe and at Sea
War in Africa and the Ottoman Empire
The Middle Eastern Campaign

The War against Civilians
German Responses to the Economic Blockade
Consent for the War
The Home Front
Women's Contributions to the War
Wartime Propaganda

From Protest to Mutiny
The American Intervention
Both Sides Prepare for All-Out Victory
The Allied Victory
Germany's Aborted Revolution
The Treaty of Versailles
Conclusion: Results of the First World War
Biography: Aleksandra Kollontai
Origins of the Russian Revolution
The Travails of Agricultural and Industrial Life
The Radical Intelligentsia
The Revolution of 1905

The Russian Revolution
Lenin and the Bolsheviks
The Failure of the Moderate Revolution

The New Soviet Regime
The Russian Civil War
Outcome of the Russian Civil War
The Rise of the Soviet Union
The New Economic Policy
Stalin and the End of NEP

Stalin's Revolution
The Five-Year Plans
The Social Consequences of Stalin's Revolution
The Cultural Revolution
Great Purge
Conclusion: The Rise of a Powerful Communist State
Biography: Leni Riefenstahl
The Failure of Liberalism and Democracy after World War I
The Fragility of Postwar Parliamentary Regimes
Intellectuals' Disillusionment with Liberalism and Democracy

The Dangers of Mass Politics
The Rise of Fascism in Italy
Italy's Fascist Regime
Hitler and the Origins of the Nazi Movement
Weimar Politics and the Rejection of Democracy
Weimar's Undemocratic
The Economic Crisis of 1923
The Resolution of the German Crisis

Media and Mass Culture in the Interwar Period
The Cinema
Women: Work, Domesticity, and the New "New Woman"
The Great Depression
The Nazi Takeover
The Nazi Regime
The Consolidation of Nazi Power
The Nazi Dictatorship
The New Regime: Dissent and Consent
The Persecution of the Jews
Economic Achievements
Leisure for the Masses

Conclusion: The Fascist "Revolution"?
13. THE SECOND WORLD WAR, 1939-1945
Biography: Primo Levi
The Enormity of the Second World War
The Origins of the Second World War
Political and Economic Decline in Britain
Economy and Politics in France
Germany Overturns the Treaty of Versailles
The Spanish Civil War
Incorporation of Austria, the Munich Pact, and the Seizure of Czechoslovakia
Prelude to the Second World War

The War-Phase I: Hitler's Quest for Domination
Hitler's Attack on the West
From the Battle of Britain to the Early Campaigns in Greece, North Africa, and the Middle
Operation Barbarossa: The Invasion of Russia

The War in Asia and the Pacific
Hitler's Europe
The Nazi Plans
The Terrible Results
The Exploitation of Europe

Collaboration and Resistance
The Case of France
The Netherlands and Scandinavia
Eastern Europe
Communists and the Resistance: The Cases of Yugoslavia and Greece

The Home Front in Britain and Germany
The Holocaust
The War--Phase II: The Allies Turn the Tide
Stalingrad: The Great Turning Point of the War
The Pacific War Turns Definitively
Against Japan
The Allied Invasions of the Continent

The War-Phase III: From the Liberation of France to the Surrender of Germany
The Atom Bomb and the End of the War in the Pacific
Conclusion: The Consequences of the War
14. THE POSTWAR, 1945-1970
Biography: Ho Chi Minh
The Toll of the War
Assessing Responsibility for the War
The "German Question"
The Cold War and the Division of Europe
Economic Recovery
The Marshall Plan
The "Economic Miracle"

The Communist Takeover in Eastern Europe
The Hardening of the Cold War
The Beginnings of European Cooperation
Stalinist Politics and the Command Economy in Eastern Europe
European Integration
European Politics in the 1950s
The End of Empire
Southeast Asia
South Asia
The Middle East

The Soviet Union and Its Satellites, 1956-1970s
The Consumer Society
Religious Reform
Disillusionment with Democracy and Consumerism
The Student Revolt
The 1960s in the East
The End of the Postwar Economic Miracle

Conclusion: A European Continent Reshaped
Biography: Mikhail Gorbachev
Stagnation and Decline: The 1970s
Immigration and the Mounting Hostility to Workers from Abroad
Fixing Stagflation
The Politics of
The New Democracy in Greece, Portugal, and Spain
New Political Movements: Feminism, Gay Rights, and Environmentalism
Dissent and Decline in Eastern Europe
The Helsinki Accords
Economic Stagnation in the East

The Collapse of Communism
Gorbachev's Dramatic Reforms
1989: The End of Communism in Eastern Europe

European Unification and Its Discontents
The Break-up of the Soviet Union
The Violent Collapse of Yugoslavia
The Challenges of Post-Communism
German Reunification
The Transformation in Eastern
Europe and Russia
Conclusion: A Fragile European Unity
Biography: Ayaan Hirsi Ali
The New Terrorism in Europe
Islam and the Russian Federation
Russian Interventions in the Former Soviet Union
The Crisis of the Eurozone
Globalization and Neoliberalism
The Financial Collapse of 2008 and the Great Recession
Changing Attitudes Toward the European Union
Mass Immigration and the Refugee Crisis
Table of Contents for Sources for Europe in the Modern World
About the Writing History Exercises
Suggested Readings

Instructor's Manual
PowerPoint Slides
Test Bank
Image Analysis
Interactive Timeline
Note-taking Guides
Primary Sources
Video and Web Links
Chapter Quiz
End-of-Section Self-Assessments
Interactive Map Quiz
Writing History Exercises

Edward Berenson is Chair and Professor of History at New York University. He is an accomplished teacher, having received the American Historical Association's Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award and UCLA's Distinguished Teaching Award. His contributions to French studies and to Franco-American understanding earned him a prestigious decoration from former French President Jacques Chirac: Knight in the Order of Merit (2006). Berenson has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Social Science Research Council, and he is the author or editor of eight books.

Writing History - William Kelleher Storey and Towser Jones
Sources for Europe in the Modern World with Guided Writing Exercises - Allison Scardino Belzer and Jonathan S. Perry

Special Features

  • Each chapter opens with a compelling biographical sketch--from the Ottoman queen, Roxelana, to Haitian revolutionary Toussaint Louverture, to Nazi documentary film director Leni Riefenstahl--that gives the book's ideas a vibrant, human face.
  • Connects the European past to larger trends in world history, situating historical events in Europe with larger developments including the growth of empires in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Little Ice Age of the seventeenth century, and the development of industrialized societies in the nineteenth century.
  • Refocuses Western history so that major economic developments are given the attention they deserve.
  • Offers analysis in line with New Political History, bringing major developments of political ideas, warfare, and religion to the forefront.
  • Treats Eastern Europe and Scandinavia as integral and constitutive elements of European history--states and empires including Sweden, Poland-Lithuania, Prussia, and Russia receive treatment that is comparable to the coverage given to their counterparts in Western Europe.
  • The text is supplemented by the new edition of its accompanying sourcebook, now retitled Sources and Writing Exercises for Europe in the Modern World, which has been extensively revised by new coeditor Allison Belzer and comes packaged for free with this text. The sourcebook includes approximately eighty-five primary sources tied to the text, along with writing exercises that guide students, step by step, toward effective, polished prose.
New to this Edition
  • A completely rewritten Chapter 2 opens with a new biography - of Roxelana, the wife of the Ottoman emperor S?eyman the Magnificent - and features a more extensive discussion on the Ottoman Empire. It also examines each of the states it covers as an empire, in one form or another; fully integrates material on Spain's American empire into the main discussion of Spain; and does the same for England, France, the Habsburgs, and Russia.
  • A completely new chapter, Chapter 3, "The Crises of the Seventeenth Century," turns on the crises of the seventeenth century. Framed by the extraordinary global cooling of the time, it shows the connections linking the major events of the century: the Thirty Years' War, the two regicides and four deposed sultans in the Ottoman Empire, the "great shaking" in Russia, the Fronde in France, the civil war and two revolutions in England/Scotland/Ireland, and the Cossack massacres of Jews in the Ukrainian part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
  • The "Writing History" exercises, formerly at the end of each chapter, are now located in Sources and Guided Writing Exercises for Europe in the Modern World to allow more flexibility in how they are assigned.
  • Chapter 4 includes a more in-depth discussion of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II and "Enlightened Despotism".
  • Chapter 5 offers more coverage of the reverberations of the French Revolution in Germany and the Habsburg empire.
  • Chapter 7 incorporates important revisionist work on the Austrian empire.
  • Chapter 9 has more, and substantially revised, material on Austria-Hungary, the Dual Monarchy, and nationalism.
  • Chapter 13 includes a new section on World War II in the Pacific.
  • Chapter 10 includes a new section on the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919.
  • The Epilogue has been updated to include coverage of the Yellow-Vest Movement, Brexit, and the COVID-19 pandemic.