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Higher Education

Sociology, 4e: Chapter 11

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the Submit my answers button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) Race
b) Ethnicity
c) Collective
d) Nationality
e) Tribe

Question 2:

a) Durkheim
b) Weber
c) Marx
d) Allahar
e) Driedger

Question 3:

a) Common descent, tribe, culture, religion, and nationality are important ethnic markers and determinants of ethnicity.
b) Ethnicity should be seen as a subjective and presumed identity based on a “folk-feeling,” not necessarily on any blood ties.
c) Ethnic identity is often linked to people’s “primordial attachment.”
d) Hard primordialism refers to the common identity of groups based on biological heredity and endogamous conjugal groups.
e) Soft primordialism proposes that people’s feelings of affinity, attachment, acceptance, trust, and intimacy toward their “own kind” are not mediated by blood ties.

Question 4:

a) Racialization
b) Consciousness of kind
c) Monopolistic closure
d) Ethnic markers
e) Primordialism

Question 5:

a) Chinese
b) northern and central European
c) African
d) Indian
e) Central and South American

Question 6:

a) northern and central Europeans
b) Chinese
c) Black Americans
d) eastern and southern Europeans
e) people from India

Question 7:

a) 1947
b) 1962
c) 1967
d) 1919
e) 1977

Question 8:

a) 50 per cent/33 per cent
b) 25 per cent/14 per cent
c) 70 per cent/ 43 per cent
d) 90 per cent/ 11 per cent
e) 80 per cent/ 26 per cent

Question 9:

a) In the 1880s, Chinese immigrants were allowed into Canada because of the growing demand for cheap and disposable labour in the building of the transcontinental railway.
b) In 1885, the government imposed the Chinese head tax, so only the Chinese who could afford the head tax could immigrate to Canada.
c) In 1940, Chinese immigration was completely prohibited and remained so until 1960.
d) By the 1910s, around 5,000 immigrants from India had arrived in British Columbia to work in the lumber and mining industries.
e) The “continuous journey stipulation” policy, passed in 1910, stipulated that only people who made a non-stop journey from their country of origin to Canada would be allowed in as immigrants, but there were no direct sailings between India and Canada

Question 10:

a) 1971
b) 1977
c) 1967
d) 1981
e) 1988

Question 11:

a) Structural
b) Cultural
c) Behavioural
d) Economic
e) Political

Question 12:

a) demographic reality
b) pluralistic ideology
c) a form of struggle among minority groups for access for economic and political resources
d) a form of assimilation
e) a set of government policies and accompanying programs

Question 13:

a) the fact that the Canadian population comprises people who come from innumerable ethnic backgrounds
b) cultural pluralism, which advocates tolerance of cultural diversity and promotes the idea that such diversity is compatible with national unity and socio-economic progress
c) cultural relativism, which promotes tolerance and diversity in order to achieve the peaceful coexistence of groups in ethnically and racially heterogeneous societies
d) that we should not judge other cultures by our own norms and criteria
e) that we should recognize the right of all people to self-identify and promote their own culture

Question 14:

a) During the 1960s, immense political pressure was exerted on the federal government by the ‘other’ ethnic groups (e.g., Ukrainians and Germans in western Canada) for recognition of their contributions to Canadian society.
b) It became a political necessity for the federal government to deal with western alienation.
c) The Liberal Party of Canada sought to acquire greater electoral support from immigrants in urban centres.
d) The Conservative Party of Canada sought to acquire greater electoral support from immigrants in rural areas.
e) The federal government had to deal with Quebec nationalism.

Question 15:

a) Veiled Muslim women have the same rights as everyone else.
b) There is nothing in the current electoral law to prevent veiled people from voting.
c) The law allows citizens—for religious reasons—to vote with their faces covered provided they show two pieces of valid ID and swear an oath.
d) They should be allowed to vote, especially since many people cast votes by mail.
e) all of the above

Question 16:

a) folkloric
b) celebratory
c) federal
d) civic
e) instrumentalist

Question 17:

a) Too much emphasis is placed on depoliticized ‘song and dance’ activities that are non-threatening to British and/or French economic, political, and cultural hegemony.
b) Policy mystified social reality by creating the appearance of change without actually changing the fundamental bases of ethnic and racial inequality within Canada.
c) The exclusive focus on cultural and linguistic barriers to equality conceals other social inequities based on people’s property rights, position in the labour market, education, gender, and age.
d) It helped to reproduce stereotypes of ethnic groups, undermined Canadian unity, ghettoized minority issues, and took away from the special claims that francophones and Aboriginal peoples have within Canadian society.
e) all of the above

Question 18:

a) commodify cultures and reproduce cultural, ethnic, and racial stereotypes
b) integrate immigrants to the dominant society, promoting national unity, and encouraging a sense of connection with other Canadians
c) promote cultural relativism and hence undermine Canadian values and social cohesion
d) create a value system that contains nothing exclusively Canadian
e) does not offer a vision of unity, and it encourages division by ghettoizing people into ethnic groups

Question 19:

a) it recognizes French as the language of public life
b) it undermines the legitimate Quebec aspirations for ‘nationhood’
c) it respects the liberal-democratic values of political rights and equality of opportunity for all
d) it respects pluralism and openness to and tolerance of the differences of others
e) constitutes a ‘moral contract’ between the province of Quebec and immigrant groups

Question 20:

a) reduces them to “just another minority group” and undermines their aspirations for self-government
b) does not take into account that they possess a distinct and unique set of rights—now
c) enshrined in the Constitution—that stems from their being the first occupants of Canada is an actual threat to their survival
d) does not recognize their collective rights to special status and distinctiveness
e) all of the above

Question 21:

a) split
b) primary
c) secondary
d) non-standard
e) ghettoized

Question 22:

a) job ads stating that job applicants must have Canadian education and/or experience
b) laws allowing the Canadian government to take away lands from First Nations people, forcefully segregating them on reserves and sending their children to residential schools
c) racial profiling
d) not allowing a certain race or ethnic from renting or buying your property
e) excluding members of some minority groups from Canadian police or firefighting forces on the basis of a minimum height requirement

Question 23:

a) Democratic
b) Overt
c) Polite
d) Institutional
e) Subliminal

Question 24:

a) ethnic and racial groups share common values, religion, beliefs, sentiments, ideas, languages, a common past, and often the same geographical territory
b) if we want to explain the differential socio-economic achievements of ethnic and racial groups, we must look into their culture
c) social structures enable and constrain certain ethnic and racial groups from socio-economic achievements because of the unequal distribution of property, power, and other resources
d) cultural values produce differences in cognitive perception, mental aptitude, and logical reasoning, which affect educational and economic achievement
e) some groups, on average, are doing better than others in school and the labour market because some cultures foster values conducive to economic conditions, while others do not

Question 25:

a) Porter
b) Kymlicka
c) Satzewich
d) Li
e) Goldberg

Question 26:

a) The charter groups (British and French) appropriated positions of power and advantage in the social, economic, and political realms.
b) Aboriginal people were at the bottom of the hierarchy.
c) Canadians of Jewish and British origin were persistently overrepresented in the professional and financial occupations.
d) Italians were overrepresented in agricultural and unskilled jobs.
e) Southern Europeans (Greeks and Portuguese) were near the lowest end of the economic spectrum.

Question 27:

a) there are substantial income disparities between visible minorities, Aboriginals, and non-visible groups
b) income disparities were attributed to cultural differences
c) visible minorities were sometimes denied access to employment because of unfair recruitment procedures
d) often, education credentials acquired outside Canada were not recognized in the labour market or by governments
e) sometimes, Canadian experience was required unnecessarily

Question 28:

a) according to Boyd’s research, non-visible minority women of Greek, Italian, Portuguese, other European, and Dutch origin made less than the average earnings of all women
b) race is now the fundamental basis of income inequality in Canada
c) visible minorities at all educational levels receive lower rewards
d) there are substantial income disparities between visible minorities, Aboriginals, and non-visible groups
e) all of the above

Question 29:

a) Women, on average, make less than men in all ethnic groups and in all social classes.
b) Immigrants, as a group, make more than Canadian-born individuals.
c) Immigrants with higher education make significantly less than their Canadian-born counterparts.
d) The 2005 median earnings of recent immigrants were much lower than those of immigrants who had been in Canada longer than five years and the Canadian-born.
e) Recent immigrants without a university degree made significantly less than their Canadian-born counterparts.