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Higher Education

Sociology, 4e: Chapter 10

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the Submit my answers button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) Heteronormativity
b) Intersexed
c) Heterosexuality
d) Sexuality
e) Gender

Question 2:

a) is a central aspect of being human and encompasses sex, gender identities, and roles
b) is experienced in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, roles, and relationships
c) is influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, ethical, legal, historical, religious, and spiritual factors
d) has to do with who we are and what place we are allowed to take within society
e) all of the above

Question 3:

a) the “mainstream” produces, maintains, and reiterates the moral contours of heterosexuality within the city
b) nightclubs, as spaces of hypermasculinity and hyperfemininity, offer a prime example of how governmentality, surveillance, and private enterprise work together in the maintenance and regulation of social/sexual conformity
c) through heterosexual hegemony and heteronormativity, heterosexuality has been normalized and is understood as unproblematic and natural rather than revealed as constrained and produced by power relations
d) hyper- and hetero-sexualized performance in Granville clubs reinforced hegemonic femininity and masculinity and heterosexual hegemony
e) all of the above

Question 4:

a) It gave as much importance to a woman’s sexual involvement and pleasure as it did to a man’s.
b) It stated that those who know the Tao of loving and harmonizing the yin and yang are able to blend the five joys into a heavenly pleasure.
c) Women were to be seen and treated as sexual equals to men.
d) It demonstrated the ritualistic and sacred nature of sexual acts.
e) It equated spirituality with spontaneity in sex.

Question 5:

a) Tantra
b) Taoism
c) Su-nu Ching
d) Kama Sutra
e) Yin

Question 6:

a) Qur’an / Islam
b) Talmud / Judaism
c) New Testament / Christianity
d) Jataka / Buddhism
e) Pandakas / Hinduism

Question 7:

a) Christians
b) Jews
c) Buddhists
d) Muslims
e) Hindus

Question 8:

a) 1973
b) 1929
c) 1945
d) 1960
e) 1980

Question 9:

a) Ellis
b) Freud
c) Mead
d) Kinsey
e) Erickson

Question 10:

a) Masters and Johnson
b) Cardoso
c) Kinsey
d) Leeuwenhoek
e) McCary

Question 11:

a) young Samoan women did not engage in premarital sex until marriage
b) young Samoan women deferred marriage while engaging in premarital sex before eventually marrying
c) sex is a healthy and natural activity enjoyed for pleasure and intimacy in various cultures around the world
d) there are variations in biology in the construction of sex roles and sexuality
e) there is very little diversity in sexual practices and norms across cultures

Question 12:

a) sexual intercourse is a social exchange, often involving the employment of sex for non-sexual ends within a competitive-authoritarian system
b) if the family is strong, there tends to be a well-defined system of prostitution
c) the family is an institution of status that limits the variety, amount, and nature of a person’s satisfaction
d) prostitution serves to keep nuclear families together
e) all of the above

Question 13:

a) engaging in sexual fantasies did not negatively affect married women’s mental health, including level of guilt, sexual adjustment, and overall satisfaction with their current sex life
b) there were significant differences between frequency of sexual fantasizing and marital satisfaction
c) sexual fantasies were not important to help achieve sexual arousal
d) respondents who reported being satisfied with their current sex life fantasized about a more affectionate partner
e) respondents who were dissatisfied with their current sex life fantasized about their current sex partner

Question 14:

a) in tribal societies with no concept of private property, promiscuous intercourse prevailed so that every woman belonged to every man and every man to every woman
b) in tribal societies, maternity carried serious obligations
c) with the advent of private property, as the desire for the accumulation of wealth increased, men gained greater status in the family than women
d) the final outcome of 3000 years of monogamy was the bourgeois family in which men have exclusive domination over women, including their sexual autonomy
e) monogamy and women’s sexual oppression would disappear when the economic cause—private property ownership—disappeared

Question 15:

a) women have greater sexual appetites than men
b) middle-class respondents were more likely to cite social influences affecting sexual appetites
c) working-class respondents were more likely to cite social influences affecting sexual appetites
d) middle-class respondents ascribed biological origins to sexual desire
e) middle-class women described men’s sexual needs as physiologically irrepressible, which then shaped their experiences with and responses to sexual refusal

Question 16:

a) biological sex plays a crucial role in shaping human affairs
b) sex is a dangerous instinct that needs curbing
c) sexual behaviour and attitudes reflect patterns of dominance and inequality
d) the language and actions that make up sexual encounters, and their rules, restrictions, and taboos, are socially constructed and part of socially-defined sexual scripts
e) structures of sexual inequality are enshrined in taken-for-granted American moral dispositions

Question 17:

a) Gagnon and Simon
b) Higgins and Browne
c) Meyer
d) Weeks
e) Brickell

Question 18:

a) Dworkin and Mackinnon
b) Benkert
c) Humphreys
d) Butler
e) Carr

Question 19:

a) Marcus
b) Foucault
c) Carr
d) Butler
e) Plummer

Question 20:

a) the magazines overwhelmingly focused on technical, mechanical, and physical factors and variety as the prescribed means to achieve “great sex”
b) advice on how to achieve “great sex” tended to be framed in ways that promoted a variety of sexual scripts
c) women were depicted as sexually wild and aggressive
d) sexual experimentation was to be undertaken strictly for the pleasure of the female partner
e) women’s magazines suggested that women prefer long, drawn-out sex and framed their advice accordingly

Question 21:

a) queer theory
b) scripting
c) erotic habitus
d) embodiment
e) somatisation

Question 22:

a) fleeing poverty
b) joblessness
c) social dislocation characteristic of transitional economies
d) economic injustice
e) all of the above

Question 23:

a) Roby
b) Limoncelli
c) Alalehto
d) Bertone
e) Petzer and Issacs

Question 24:

a) 1969
b) 2005
c) 2000
d) 1988
e) 2008

Question 25:

a) About 9 per cent of young people between the ages of 15 and 24 reported having had sexual intercourse before the age of 15.
b) Characteristics associated with early sexual activity were similar for boys and girls.
c) Nearly 26 per cent of boys reported not using a condom the last time they had sex.
d) Girls were more likely than boys to report having had sex when they did not want to.
e) Boys were more likely to report having had four or more partners.

Question 26:

a) demonstrates how different workplace and organizational cultures play key roles in creating, maintaining, and undermining sexual identity and inequality at work
b) suggests that instead of simply looking at sexuality as something individuals bring to work, we should examine how customs and practices in a workplace constitute a type of organizational sexuality that determines explicit and culturally elaborated rules
c) demonstrates how different occupational cultures hold different and specific social rules about what constitutes ‘appropriate’ or acceptable sexuality
d) strongly encourages gay men in some professions to keep their sexual identities and relationships hidden
e) all of the above

Question 27:

a) some organizations actually manage the sexualization of their workers
b) in some sexually-charged work cultures, degrading and/or sexual behaviours become an institutional component of work
c) heterosexual norms in the workplace often exclude or sexualize women
d) heterosexual norms in the workplace silence or closet gay men and lesbians
e) all of the above

Question 28:

a) emotions
b) victimization
c) hurting
d) exploiting
e) violence