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Higher Education

Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Third Edition — Chapter 19

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the 'Submit my answers' button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) A social movement must be seen as successful.
b) There must be a need to defend the status quo against a perceived threat by social movements.
c) A social movement’s goals must be seen as a threat to another group.
d) Allies must be available to support mobilization of the counter-movement.
e) A social movement must be seen as gaining success.

Question 2:

a) resource mobilization
b) political process
c) breakdown
d) frame alignment
e) value added

Question 3:

a) differ from other types of organizations because they have different resources, career cycles, and relationships with government authorities
b) differ from other types of organizations because they exhibit distinctive modes of acting, organizing, and communicating
c) will always be present because there will always be people with grievances since social goods are unequally distributed
d) are impermanent or disorderly
e) all of the above

Question 4:

a) Political
b) Ideological
c) Rational-legal
d) Economic
e) Traditional

Question 5:

a) propose that structural changes in Western societies have fundamentally altered people’s identities and cultures, which give rise to social movements that are distinct from older class-based movements
b) are concerned less with the redistribution of wealth and status than with securing rights to expressive freedoms, symbolic practices, and/or styles of life
c) propose that social movements are cultural laboratories where people try out new forms of social interaction
d) claim that civil society offers greater chances for freedom, equality, and participatory democracy
e) all of the above

Question 6:

a) An organization must articulate diagnostic frames that define social problems (or injustices) and their guilty agents.
b) Prognostic frames must propose solutions to social problems.
c) Ideological frames must explain how cultural processes external to a movement influence internal cultural understandings.
d) Prognostic frames give meaning to specific strategies and are used to persuade potential recruits and members that certain actions are the best way to solve or address particular social problems.
e) A social movement organization must provide compelling motivational frames that convince people to join.

Question 7:

a) resource mobilization
b) frame alignment
c) ideological enhancement
d) frame transformation
e) ideological amplification

Question 8:

a) cycle of contention
b) political opportunities
c) political constraints
d) resources
e) political climate

Question 9:

a) Collective action frames can be used to identify appropriate forms of protest.
b) Social movements may use collective action frames as strategic resources.
c) To mobilize general support for their cause, movements promote their own ideologies in the wider culture.
d) Individual activists have had a massive impact on history not solely because of social structural conditions but because of personal charisma and organizational skills.
e) If a social movement’s framing or injustice and its solution are accepted in society, then it has created its own political opportunities.

Question 10:

a) It began in the late-nineteenth century and ended in 1918 when women gained the right to vote in federal elections.
b) Women formed organizations for the protection and education of young single women.
c) Women’s groups protested against child labour and poor working conditions and pressed for health and welfare reforms.
d) Anglo-Saxon women from the middle and upper classes predominated, especially among the leadership.
e) Some members were revolutionary Marxists while others were socialists, liberals, or radical feminists.

Question 11:

a) The battle for women’s voting rights unified the movement.
b) It rose out of the peace, student, and civil rights movements of the 1960s.
c) The cultural upheaval of the 1960s encouraged women to question their position in private and public life.
d) Coalitions formed around the issues of abortion, daycare, violence against women, labour, and poverty.
e) Some members were revolutionary Marxists while others were socialists, liberals, or radical feminists.

Question 12:

a) During the 1930s, agrarian protest grew rapidly in New Brunswick but not in the Prairies.
b) New Brunswick farmers were more isolated than those in the West and had much smaller debts.
c) The greater radicalism of Prairie farmers stemmed from high solidarity and a loss of control over their means of production.
d) Agricultural producers such as prairie farmers were more likely to protest during a downturn in the capitalist economy, because their livelihood, unlike that of producers in New Brunswick, depended on the market.
e) In New Brunswick, since changes in market prices hardly affected them, they had little reason to defend themselves by forming cooperatives.

Question 13:

a) Progressive Conservatives
b) Canadian Alliance
c) Liberals
d) Social Credit party
e) CCF

Question 14:

a) Until the 1960s, French Canadian ‘nationalism’ was conservative and its goal was to preserve the identity of the French by insulating them from outside influences.
b) Trade unions and local associations of property-owners and retail merchants urged the populace to put their ‘own’ people first by favouring French Canadians in hiring and buying from people like themselves.
c) The 1950s brought a growing belief in the need to connect the defence of French-Canadian culture and interests to the territory of Quebec.
d) During the 1960s and 1970s, immigration to Montreal was decreasing, so the school board was able to push mandatory French instruction in schools.
e) The 1960s and 1970s witnessed a sharp rise in collective action on behalf of the French in Quebec.

Question 15:

a) Quebec Crisis of 1950
b) October Crisis of 1970
c) Separatist Movement of 1960
d) Bloc Québécois campaign of 1970
e) December Crisis of 1963

Question 16:

a) globalization creates opportunities for new forms of collective action that operate outside the politics of the nation-state in the politics of a ‘world risk society’
b) poor people in all societies have been socialized to understand that the modern world is full of human-created hazards
c) widely publicized dangers, such as the radioactive cloud that drifted from a nuclear reactor in Chernobyl to the rest of Europe in 1986, have forced people to acknowledge that many political issues must first be dealt with within national borders
d) social movement organizations have thus far been unable to adapt to this world risk society
e) all of the above

Question 17:

a) Ulrich Beck
b) Leslie Sklar
c) Doug Imig and Sidney Tarrow
d) Doug McAdam
e) Herbert Kitschelt

Question 18:

a) A social movement must frame its grievances as global grievances.
b) To be global a social movement needs to have a worldwide membership and organizational structure.
c) A global network can only arise through a long-term coalition or network of movement organizations.
d) Collective identity has to be a globalized identity.
e) Global activists throughout the world would have to see each other as serving the same, common goal.

Question 19:

a) Early forms of collective action were poorly organized and relatively sporadic.
b) The grievances of early social movements were often tied to local affairs, and usually their targets were local elites.
c) With the rise of nation-states, social movements became highly organized and often identified social issues that stemmed from structural conditions such as economic inequality and narrow political representation.
d) After the rise of nation-states, social movements began applying different methods of protest.
e) NSMs in the second half of the twentieth century are more concerned with gaining cultural recognition than with the redistribution of social goods.

Question 20:

a) the surge in social movement activity peaks as resources dwindle, as political parties begin to take up citizens’ concerns, and as people’s interest in collective mobilization wanes
b) social movement activity rises when organizers capitalize on frustration with parties and interest groups
c) the short-term pattern of social movement activity is cyclical
d) the long-term trend is towards an increase in the number of social movements because since the 1960s established parties and politicians have proven increasingly incapable of providing satisfactory solutions to such issues as nuclear power, toxic waste di
e) all of the above