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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter 15

Multiple Choice Questions

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1. Which of the following often argues for women's inferiority to men?

a) politicians
b) religion
c) science
d) the media


2. ________ was frequently cited by Gerson's interviewees as the key ingredient of cohesive, egalitarian, and financially secure homes.

a) Polyandry
b) Serial monogamy
c) Gender flexibility
d) Stability


3. Gender identity is the result of ________.

a) dramaturgical presentations
b) a non-voluntary performance
c) a non-self-reflexive disposition
d) innate dispositions


True or False Questions

1. Twenty-five per cent of Americans still believe that women are better suited emotionally to govern than are men.


2. Pilgeram's work strongly suggests that gender is biologically determined


3. Gender stereotypes necessarily imply inequality.


Fill in the Blank Questions

1. The ________ Gerson interviewed were more inclined to fall back on a more traditional relationship.


2. Gender ________ continues to be a part of life in Canada as elsewhere in Western industrialized societies.


3. ________ as an approach to scholarship appeared in Canada in the 1970s, a response to the women's liberation movement already underway since the 1960s in the United States.


Short Answer Questions

1. What distinguishes countries with large number of Protestants from countries with a large number of Catholics?


2. What does 'doing gender' mean?


3. What continues to be the most important measure of men's social status?
