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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter 10

Multiple Choice Questions

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1. ________ refers to all socially transmitted social practices and knowledge systems that are transmitted from one generation to the next.

a) Society
b) Culture
c) Religion
d) Community


2. What innate complex behaviours do humans lack?

a) displacement activities
b) instincts
c) fixed action patterns
d) mating behaviours


3. Humans rely on ________ to acquire the culture that enables them to act as humans.

a) motivational forces
b) primitive reflexes
c) social praxis
d) social learning


4. According to Robert Hollands, more must be done to help non-Native Canadians understand the importance of ________.

a) moving Aboriginals to urban centres
b) teaching Aboriginal languages in Canadian schools
c) preserving Native culture and traditions
d) making reparations to Aboriginals


5. The content and style of pre-printed stories and poems were closely tied to ________.

a) a written tradition
b) an oral tradition
c) a hybrid tradition
d) a secular tradition


True or False Questions

1. Culture has come to be seen as a set of mechanisms that humans actively employ on a moment-by-moment basis, and a means by which their reality is actively defined.


2. Jean L. Briggs was socially isolated and subtly shunned by the Utku.


3. Values, norms, and expected and allowable behaviour are shockingly similar between different cultures.


4. At the time of Jean L. Briggs's study, the Utku were mostly self-sufficient and lived largely by hunting and fishing.


5. Traditional Chinese culture places value on formal education, hard work, and family.


Fill in the Blank Questions

1. Culture is like a ________ or repertoire from which social actors choose different pieces in order to construct different lines of social action.


2. The Guajiro have a custom known as ________ price.


3. Briggs's original objective in living among the Utku was to study the social relationships of ________.


4. Sociologists using the production-of-culture perspective have traditionally focused on the ________ elements of culture.


5. Canadian society is characterized by extensive ________ diversity in a variety of cultural traditions.


Short Answer Questions

1. What did Robert Hollands learn from his study of young Mohawks?


2. What are the implications of sharing a common culture?


3. What did printing transform?


4. What is distinct about the Yurok of California's approach to eating?


5. What did David Harding's study highlight?
