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Higher Education

Crime in Canadian Context, second edition: Chapter 3: Non-sociological Explanations of Crime

Instructions: Select the correct answer. When you have answered all the questions, click the 'Submit my answers' button for your grade.

Question 1:

a) it was contained within the Ark of the Covenant
b) it is the foundation of modern laws and procedures in English Law
c) the Leviathan, written by Hobbes, was based on the document
d) Enlightenment thinking challenged its logic

Question 2:

a) naturally lie
b) naturally have a death wish
c) lack self-control
d) are self-determining entities

Question 3:

a) Phillip Pinel
b) John Howard
c) George Washington
d) Michel Foucault

Question 4:

a) synonymous with feminism
b) a philosophy that is not interested in precise measurement
c) the application of the scientific method to study the human condition
d) has little to do with the early development of scientific criminology

Question 5:

a) From Italian prisoners
b) From observations of the animal world
c) From large-population surveys
d) From his experiences working as a police officer

Question 6:

a) mesomorphic
b) ectomorphic
c) heteromorphic
d) crimomorphic

Question 7:

a) Bio-criminology
b) Evolutionary psychology
c) Positivism
d) Strain Theory

Question 8:

a) atavistic
b) biological
c) psychopathic
d) chromosomal

Question 9:

a) consists of primal urges
b) acts as a person’s social conscience
c) was the ‘reality principle’
d) —if strong—was linked to deviant behaviour

Question 10:

a) people are controlled by their super-ego
b) aggressive behaviour is inherited from one’s biological parents
c) aggressive behaviour is learned through a series of psychological thought processes and perceptions.
d) all human action is based on the freedom of choice