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Higher Education

Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Second Edition - Chapter 09

Instructions: Click on the radio button beside your answers below. When you've completed the entire quiz, click the 'Submit my answers' button for your results.

Question 1:

a) 6
b) 9
c) 11
d) 13

Question 2:

a) taking a computer course in grade 12.
b) learning a second language at home.
c) writing an essay for a university course.
d) learning to write in your first language.

Question 3:

a) first
b) second
c) fifth
d) tenth

Question 4:

a) learning manners and learning moral guidelines
b) providing a 'day care' for working parents and designating occupational pathways for the young
c) learning moral guidelines and general socialization into the adult role
d) learning general aptitudes and choosing occupational paths

Question 5:

a) structural functionalism
b) conflict theory
c) symbolic interactionist
d) feminist theory

Question 6:

a) human capital theory
b) symbolic interactionist
c) structural functionalism
d) conflict theory

Question 7:

a) education is a means to separate people by skill, talent, and class
b) education is a critical tool for developing human abilities to apply knowledge
c) education is critical to the development of personality and identity
d) education's role is to select and prepare people for different positions in the labour force

Question 8:

a) social class
b) individual motivation
c) family support
d) educational discrimination

Question 9:

a) education maintains the power differential between the 'haves' and the 'have nots'
b) expectations that schooling can fulfill its promise to offer equal opportunity to all is unrealistic and unattainable
c) the patriarchy within the educational system perpetuates inequality
d) education is a filtering system selecting only a few to stay at the top

Question 10:

a) that ensure upper class students have upward mobility in society.
b) that increasingly depend on standardized testing today.
c) that transmit material from educator to student in a pre-packaged manner.
d) that are comprised of a pyramid system with personal finances at the bottom and government assistance at the top.

Question 11:

a) symbolic interactionist theory
b) conflict theory
c) structural functionalist theory
d) human capital theory

Question 12:

a) law
b) biology
c) physical education
d) business, management, and commerce

Question 13:

a) increased educational opportunities
b) increased levels of educational attainment among young people
c) recruitment and selection of highly educated immigrants
d) greater expectations from employers

Question 14:

a) part of the hidden curriculum.
b) streaming.
c) school socialization.
d) silencing.

Question 15:

a) lifelong learning.
b) specialization.
c) money.
d) bureaucracies.