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Higher Education


Maureen Baker

Choices and Constraints in Family Life, Second Edition
ISBN 13: 9780195431599

About the Book

The second edition of Choices and Constraints in Family Life is designed specifically for sociology of the family courses. The text examines both the choices and constraints placed on individuals, relationships, and marriages in light of the family circumstances and societal expectations that influence them. Using an interdisciplinary approach that draws on the latest research in sociology, psychology, anthropology, and social history, author Maureen Baker explores emerging patterns in family life, including rising rates of cohabitation among both heterosexual and same-sex couples; trends in birth rates; and higher rates of separation, re-partnering, and stepfamilies. With the most up-to-date statistical data, new information on aging and women in the workforce, and comprehensive coverage of historical and theoretical perspectives, this text provides a concise, critical examination of family life from a seasoned, well-respected authority in the discipline.

Readership : Choices and Constraints in Family Life, second edition, is intended for second- and third-year courses at the college and university level.


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