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Higher Education


Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives, Second Edition
ISBN 13: 9780195431230

Edited by David Cheal

About the Book

Drawing from a wide range of materials, Canadian Families Today, second edition, introduces the sociology of family life with a focus on Canadian families. Eighteen experts in the field from across Canada examine a wide range of topics to introduce the sociological study of families, provide up-to-date information about various stages and events in the life course, and discuss current issues faced by Canadian families.

The book is organized into four parts. Part I provides an introduction to the sociology of family life that shows the changing and diverse definition of families, presents multiple perspectives on family issues, and provides data on Canadian demographic trends. Part II provides information about various stages and events in the life course through examinations of topics such as relationship formation and marriage, child-raising, and life experiences of the elderly. Part III examines current issues faced by families specifically, such as the gendered nature of paid and unpaid work in the family economy, the marginalization of individuals who differ from the heterosexual norm, and the impact of disability on families. Part IV looks at broader social issues that are endemic to the contemporary family: violence, shifts in public policy, and questions regarding the future.

The discussions in the text are supported by a wealth of pedagogical features including chapter learning objectives, study questions, lists for further reading, lists of relevant websites, and a glossary.

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