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Human Sexuality: Chapter 4

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) They are more likely to engage in oral sex.
b) They are generally younger.
c) They are more likely to have a negative perception of their own genitals.
d) They report higher sexual function.

Question 2:

a) The vestibular bulbs
b) The G-spot
c) The Skene’s gland
d) The Bartholin gland

Question 3:

a) In the Skene’s gland
b) In the ovaries
c) In the Bartholin glands
d) In the corpus cavernosa

Question 4:

a) It helps the testes descend into the proper location.
b) It reduces the incidence of penile cancer.
c) It improves male fertility.
d) It makes the penis more attractive.

Question 5:

a) The size of a flaccid penis is predictive of the size of an erect.
b) Smaller flaccid penises increase more in volume than larger flaccid penises when they become erect.
c) Women around the world prefer images of larger penises.
d) The ancient Greeks believed that men with larger penises were more fertile.

Question 6:

a) Vulvar swelling during sexual arousal
b) Female orgasm
c) Male ejaculation
d) Human reproduction

Question 7:

a) He will be taller than average.
b) He will be shorter than average.
c) He will not go bald in middle age.
d) He may go bald sooner than average.

Question 8:

a) 70 per cent
b) 50 per cent
c) 10 per cent
d) 1 per cent

Question 9:

a) 10 micrometers
b) 20 micrometers
c) 30 micrometers
d) 60 micrometers

Question 10:

a) They originate in the base of the penis.
b) They originate as part of the kidney.
c) They originate in the abdominal cavity.
d) They originate in the scrotum.