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Canadian Democracy, Eighth Edition: Chapter 15

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) accepted the notion that males were better suited to politics
b) accepted the notion that gender role differences are the inevitable product of biology
c) believed in the moral superiority of women
d) sought abortion rights for all women
e) both b and c

Question 2:

a) Karl Marx
b) Friedrich Engels
c) John Locke
d) John Stuart Mill
e) Abraham Lincoln

Question 3:

a) Eleanor Roosevelt
b) Agnes Macphail
c) Gro Harlem Brundtland
d) Kim Campbell
e) Margaret Thatcher

Question 4:

a) one-tenth
b) one-quarter
c) one-third
d) one-half
e) one-eighth

Question 5:

a) many women feel frustrated and have low self-esteem due to society’s general failure to recognize the value of domestic work
b) even today women are under-represented in fields like finance, economics, and engineering
c) women tend to be less interested in politics and government than are men
d) females who work full-time continue to spend about twice as much time caring for children as do men
e) women are more likely to turn down promotions or new employment opportunities in favour of child-rearing and domestic responsibilities

Question 6:

a) the first five women to sit in the House of Commons
b) the women who currently head the largest crown corporations in Canada
c) the women who challenged the legal interpretation of “persons” as excluding women
d) five of Canada’s preeminent female novelists
e) the first five women senators

Question 7:

a) 10 per cent
b) 25 per cent
c) 50 per cent
d) 60 per cent
e) 90 per cent

Question 8:

a) Canada
b) Switzerland
c) France
d) Norway
e) the United States

Question 9:

a) legislative reform
b) changes in the structure and process of state decision-making
c) improvements in the material and social conditions of women
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

Question 10:

a) Blainey (1986): boys’ sports leagues will be open to girls
b) Daigle (1989): a potential father doesn’t have the right to veto a woman’s decision to have an abortion
c) Poloz (1993): females are not obliged to pay child support in any circumstances
d) Ewanchuk (1999): no defence of implied consent to sexual assault exists under Canadian law
e) Falkiner v. Ontario (2002): “spouse in the house” rule for social assistance recipients struck down

Question 11:

a) 1 and 28
b) 15 and 28
c) 15 and 25
d) 1 and 28
e) 15 and 31

Question 12:

a) Rita Johnson
b) Kim Campbell
c) Beverley McLachlin
d) Alexa McDonough
e) Sheila Copps

Question 13:

a) 1953
b) 1972
c) 1982
d) 1991
e) 2001

Question 14:

a) “the glass ceiling”
b) “the political gender gap”
c) “the trousers rule”
d) “the higher, the fewer”
e) “the male battlefield”

Question 15:

a) spatially, emotionally, and cognitively
b) emotionally, sexually, and socially
c) sexually, socially, and cognitively
d) cognitively, spatially, and socially
e) emotionally, spatially, and sexually

Question 16:

a) one-quarter
b) one-third
c) one half
d) two-thirds
e) three-quarters

Question 17:

a) 10 per cent
b) 20 per cent
c) 30 per cent
d) 40 per cent
e) 50 per cent

Question 18:

a) nine out of ten
b) four out of five
c) half
d) seven out of ten
e) all

Question 19:

a) the subjection of women to men is natural
b) God has designated the wife as the husband’s subject and servant
c) the rule of men over women is accepted voluntarily by the female population
d) granting equal rights to women will not promote the interests of society
e) no good could come from extending full political and legal rights to women

Question 20:

a) political rights, individual rights, and legal rights
b) legal rights, working conditions, and social reform
c) working conditions, social reform, and political rights
d) political rights, legal rights, and social reform
e) sexuality-related rights, abortion rights, and prison reform

Question 21:

a) hunger strikes
b) physically resisting police
c) petitions to government
d) chaining themselves to fences surrounding Parliament
e) interrupting business operations

Question 22:

a) 1888 and 1891
b) 1901 and 1903
c) 1917 and 1919
d) 1934 and 1936
e) none of the above

Question 23:

a) Marie Deschamps
b) Agnes Macphail
c) Ellen Fairclough
d) Cairine Wilson
e) Alexa McDonough

Question 24:

a) economics, sexuality, and secularism
b) leadership, radicalization, and economics
c) radicalization, economics, and co-operation
d) secularism, leadership, and sexuality
e) economics, secularism, and co-operation

Question 25:

a) falling real family incomes
b) labour-saving appliances and higher female educational attainment
c) increase in the real wages of some “female” jobs
d) both b and c
e) all of the above

Question 26:

a) True
b) False

Question 27:

a) True
b) False

Question 28:

a) True
b) False

Question 29:

a) True
b) False

Question 30:

a) True
b) False

Question 31:

a) True
b) False

Question 32:

a) True
b) False

Question 33:

a) True
b) False

Question 34:

a) True
b) False

Question 35:

a) True
b) False

Question 36:

a) True
b) False

Question 37:

a) True
b) False

Question 38:

a) True
b) False

Question 39:

a) True
b) False

Question 40:

a) True
b) False