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Canadian Democracy, Eighth Edition: Chapter 1

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) Power
b) Politics
c) Marxism
d) Freedom
e) Social capital

Question 2:

a) Marxism
b) Feminism
c) Postmodernism
d) Both a and c
e) All of the above

Question 3:

a) ensure conditions for some degree of social disorder
b) oppress the entire community
c) ensure conditions that promote some social order
d) control the actions of the citizens
e) educate the entire community

Question 4:

a) demands
b) class
c) inequality
d) power
e) freedom

Question 5:

a) power
b) politics
c) magic
d) compliance
e) legitimacy

Question 6:

a) coercion, influence, and power
b) politics, authority, and coercion
c) authority, influence, and compliance
d) coercion, influence, and authority
e) coercion, authority, and freedom

Question 7:

a) citizens are free to speak their minds
b) citizens can move about freely
c) citizens can associate with whomever they wish
d) citizens do not need to notify the public authorities of their movements
e) all of the above

Question 8:

a) false
b) sexist
c) not related to power
d) critical to democracy
e) totalitarian

Question 9:

a) small minorities control most of a society’s wealth and relinquish their social and economic dominance
b) large majorities control most of a society’s wealth and maintain their social and economic dominance
c) small minorities control most of a society’s wealth and maintain their social and economic dominance
d) large majorities control most of a society’s wealth and relinquish their social and economic dominance
e) None of the above

Question 10:

a) best organized
b) have superior financial resources
c) able to credibly claim to speak on behalf of large numbers of voters
d) able to speak on behalf of influential segments of the population
e) all of the above

Question 11:

a) bureaucracy
b) government
c) military
d) publicly owned media
e) all of the above

Question 12:

a) Karl Marx
b) John Locke
c) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
d) Max Weber
e) all of the above

Question 13:

a) an inherently patriarchal institution
b) an essentially oppressive and even repressive society
c) an instrument through which the small minorities control most of a society’s wealth and maintain their social and economic dominance
d) having absolute power
e) all of the above

Question 14:

a) an inherently patriarchal institution
b) an essentially oppressive and even repressive society
c) an instrument through which the small minorities control most of a society’s wealth and maintain their social and economic dominance
d) having absolute power
e) all of the above

Question 15:

a) an inherently patriarchal institution
b) an essentially oppressive and even repressive society
c) an instrument through which the small minorities control most of a society’s wealth and maintain their social and economic dominance
d) having absolute power
e) all of the above

Question 16:

a) is a term more usefully reserved for those who have been elected to power
b) is more personal than the state
c) is chosen and removed through elections in democratic systems
d) both a and c
e) all of the above

Question 17:

a) the rules and institutions of the state are seen as reasonable and accepted by citizens
b) the government receives majority support of voters
c) constitutional recognition
d) military support of the regime
e) the ability of society’s dominant class to get its values and beliefs accepted

Question 18:

a) authoritative
b) democratic
c) legitimate
d) representative
e) unstable

Question 19:

a) Social capital
b) Operationalization
c) Tyranny of the majority
d) Legitimacy
e) Cultural hegemony

Question 20:

a) everyone is subject to the law
b) public officials may exercise powers beyond those assigned to his or her office
c) the courts have no authority to deal with abuses of power
d) powerful people are above the law
e) all of the above

Question 21:

a) is shaped by elected government officials
b) involves matters that warrant some policy response
c) is entirely determined by the spending of self-interest groups
d) is set based on the personal opinions of journalists
e) ensures that public interests reflect only the points of view of the wealthy and well connected

Question 22:

a) language
b) religion
c) ethnicity
d) gender
e) all of the above

Question 23:

a) The nation
b) Class identity
c) Religious identity
d) The constituency
e) The government

Question 24:

a) representative bureaucracies
b) totalitarian
c) coercive
d) representative democracies
e) institutional groups

Question 25:

a) to censor the mass media
b) to educate public opinion
c) to limit voting rights to the most wealthy and powerful citizens
d) to exclude it from the determination of public affairs
e) to deny citizenship

Question 26:

a) True
b) False

Question 27:

a) True
b) False

Question 28:

a) True
b) False

Question 29:

a) True
b) False

Question 30:

a) True
b) False

Question 31:

a) True
b) False

Question 32:

a) True
b) False

Question 33:

a) True
b) False

Question 34:

a) True
b) False

Question 35:

a) True
b) False

Question 36:

a) True
b) False

Question 37:

a) True
b) False

Question 38:

a) True
b) False

Question 39:

a) True
b) False

Question 40:

a) True
b) False